I've created a landing page/portal content type and created a series of views for it. However I have run into a problem, i'm not sure how to pass arguments from the urls to the block views on these portal pages.
Basically, if a user goes to http://mysite.com/portal/action I want action which is a taxonomy term to be used as an argument for the block views on the page. Any ideas?
EDIT: To help clarify I am trying to create a page which pulls in information from other parts of my site based on a taxonomy term, so for example http://mysite.com/portal/action would go to a page which contains blocks displaying things like latest news posts in the action catgeory etc.
So far I have created a content type called portal that lets the author set the topic of a portal and then a series of text boxes to add some custom content to the page.
I then set up a view with a series of displays which creates the blocks that pull in information from other parts of the site such as news, and also turned the custom fields made during the creation of the content type as blocks on that page.
My issue is setting up the arguments within this view so that it changes based on the url. So if i created a horror portal page at mysite.com/portal/horror the content would be those items tagged with the horror taxonomy term.
Hope this makes sense?
Edit 2 Solved: Thanks everyone for your help. I ended up adding the following code to the provide default field
if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {
$node = node_load(arg(1));
if ($node) {
return $node->title;