I need to create an 'add friend' link programatically.

       $content .= '<li>' . l('<span class="icon"></span>Add to your friends', 'relationship/' . $tid . '/request/1?destination=user/' . $tid, array('html' => true, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'add`-friend')));

It leads me to another page with confirmation form for the invitation.

Could anybody tell me how (if possible) I can display this confirmation form in dialog?

2 Answers 2


I've created Add as friend likes in a project once doing this:

l(t('Add as friend'), 'relationship/' . $account->uid . '/request');

It served me fine, but I'm not sure if you want something different.


It's all because laziness. It's so easy to do.

I need to add this link with dialog on content profile page.

All to do is:

  • add js to content profile page:

        if ($variables['node']->type == 'profile') {  
            drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'user_relationships_ui') .'/user_relationships_ui.js');
  • add class to request relationship link:


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