I created a View page to display a sortable table of Category | Model | Brand | Price. Each product has it's own content types that has all of these fields entered. Category is a List, Model is the title field, Brand is a term reference, and price is an integer field.
I created a page view from the data of of this Product Content type and used contextual filters to display different views of tables at the /category and the /brand level. Because I had some trouble getting two contextual filters to work on the same Page view, I created a new page view [Brand] for the contextual filter for the Brands taxonomy terms. (see question and comments here: Can you display data dynamically from a textfield in the URL and Name of Views?)
Now I created an Attachment to attach to the Brand view. I created the attachment because I would like the Term Description to be above the Brand view that displays the Product Category / Model / Price for each Brand generated by the view. The trouble is that I am getting the description of every brand printed instead of just the brand currently being displayed on the page. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue? I feel like I need a specific filter for this to work.. I've tried different configurations that produce the same result.
Below are my screenshots:
https://i.sstatic.net/6gTcI.png --> The attachment
https://i.sstatic.net/S20sQ.png --> The page view for the taxonomy term