You would use a new filter group to achieve this. To use this you would follow the below steps.
The first step would be to add all the filters that you used in the View B but with just the oposite filtering. for example in View B you added a filter say IsImportant = TRUE. then here it would be IsImportant = false. If you have put the date as less then some value then in this case it would be greater than. What this does is create a filter that would return all the values except the one in the View B.
Now we go ahead and create w filter group as shown below
Click on and/or, rearrange
You would get a screen similar to the one below
Click on Create new filter group. which creates a new group and should be shown as below.
From the dropdown that is there in between the two groups you can select the operator AND/OR. In your case I think you would need the AND operator as you would want both the operation to filter it out.
We select the filters that we created for excluding view B in to the second group. So that it would stay as group and filter it out.
A bit more clarity on the Group Filtering.
Let us assume that the first group filters out in the following manner.
- Published Nodes (AND)
- Nodes of the type News
Now this would return all the nodes irrespective of if it is important or not.
Now the second group would do the following
- Nodes without the isImportant = False (OR)
- Nodes That are Older than X days.
Now this would give us all the nodes that are not important OR are x days old. That means it would return all the nodes that are not important with in x days and would return all the nodes that are older than x days irrespective of if that is important OR not.
Now if we AND these two groups we would get a list of all nodes that are Not Important with in x days and All nodes older than x days irrespective of wether they are important or not.
Now you can sort it with respect to the date and limit the number of entries to 4 or what ever you want it to be.
I hope that is what you are looking for.
Hope that clears it.