I come from a custom web dev background but I'm working on some Drupal projects now. I am confused about the best method to set up basic site architecture. What I want is for taxonomy terms or variables to drive display of content throughout the different areas of the site. I gather I should be using taxonomies as these variables...If I am wrong please let me know
So say I have one taxonomy (BRANDS) with two terms:
I also have three content types:
Article (can belong to multiple brands) Video (can belong to multiple brands) Model (only single brand)
I want to create 3 types of pages (I think what I should be doing is using views) BUT - I should only need to use ONE view per page type:
Index Page (which accepts taxonomy term and displays all videos articles and models associated with the term - this is not an individual node page) (url should be something like /BRAND eg: /BMW)
Model Page (which shows the model node - and also content [videos and articles] associated with the BRAND taxonomy term) (url should be like /BRAND/Modelnode eg: /BMW/3-Series)
Article Page (which shows an article node - and also videos and models associated with one or more BRAND taxonomy terms associated with that article)(url should look like either BRANDS/Articlenode - eg: BMW-AUDI/Articlenode or just /article/Articlenode if the taxonomy does not need to be coming from the url to feed into views or whatever generates the page content)
If i was doing a custom PHP driven website, this would be easy to do, but it's confusing as hell in Drupal. What is the standard and best practice way to go about creating each of these page types - and if it is created using views - only use one view per page type [ ie the view will accept url or internal taxonomy arguments to dynamically show content]?