I have an article on my Drupal site and need to add some calculations to it (to better illustrate a topic). It means, three textfield inputs and a button, after clicking the button a calculation should take place on server side (not in javascript, because I want this calculation to be in php on server side) and then comments should be displayed below the textfields.
The problem is, I would like to have all of it inside node, not below it - for better user experience.
Inserting input and submit button via wysiwyg works fine. Then, I need to use raw jquery ajax command and do everything manually - it should be possible.
So before doing this, I'd like to ask if there is a simpler way?
E.g. ajaxifying webform is documented. So, if the whole webform could be treated as one token, it could be inserted into wysiwyg using token filter inside node content. But webform as a token? - can't find such solution.