I want to remove default Drupal CSS files if it is a front page in Drupal 7 theme.
Following is the code (got from http://www.grahamgilchrist.com/blog/25) that I am trying to put in the template.php for barktik1 theme. How do I check if rendering page is a front page or not? Only $css variable is passed as an argument to the theme_css_alter() function while for other process functions $variables is passed from which it is easy to determine if it is a front page or not.
function bartik1_css_alter(&$css) {
//do something to check if it is a front page
if ($is_front){
//make a list of module css to remove
$css_to_remove = array();
$css_to_remove[] = drupal_get_path('module','system').'/system.base.css';
$css_to_remove[] = drupal_get_path('module','system').'/system.menus.css';
// now we can remove the contribs from the array
foreach ($css_to_remove as $index => $css_file) {