I've got a view that I'm accessing via code and used to pull fully rendered view code and work great. But after one of the updates (looking like 6.x-2.15 or 6.x-2.16 maybe changed it?), I can no longer reference fields that are using views' field token replacement logic. All I appear to have access to now is the text that contains the token arguments, and not the final rendered code.
This is the code that used to work:
function _custom_module_get_view_options() {
$view = views_get_view('VIEW_NAME', true);
$view->pager['items_per_page'] = 0;
$items = array();
foreach ($view->style_plugin->rendered_fields as $display) {
$items[$display['FIELD_NAME_1']] = htmlspecialchars_decode($display['FIELD_NAME_2'], ENT_QUOTES);
return $items;
The $view->style_plugin->rendered_fields
doesn't appear to exist any more in the executed view...
As I mentioned above, anything else I have tried only gets me the un-replaced text patterns.
Site is on Drupal 6, and currently using Views 6.x-2.16 but was previously using Views 6.x-2.12 when it functioned as expected.