I need to hide some element with some condition using jquery inside ctools modal popup in drupal after popup load. I used drupal_add_js
but that not work.
Any suggestion?
You must use: ctools_ajax_command_attr('selector','attr','value');
do perform any kind of actions in popup. For more you can read: http://drupalcontrib.org/api/drupal/contributions!ctools!includes!ajax.inc/7
into custom modal style where you outputing your page callback add ctools_add_js('your_js_file_without_extension', 'MODULE_NAME');
then in js
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
Drupal.behaviors.MODULE_NAME = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
//your jquery code...
}; });
For example you can copy ctools-ajax-samples.js from ctools directory and modify it as i did. This solution worked for me