function customization_form_user_register_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
 $form['account']['pass']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = t('Password');

I am trying to set placeholder on password field in registration form.

I seted placeholder on username and email, but on password field won't work...

Any help? Thank you!

2 Answers 2


Wish I'd seen this sooner. You've probably moved on from this problem, but for the benefit of other people seeking an answer to this question: (obviously replace mymodule with the name of your module)

* Implementation of hook_element_info_alter ()
function mymodule_element_info_alter (& $type)
  if (isset($type['password_confirm']['#process'])) {
    $func = '_mymodule_process_password_confirm';

    $type['password_confirm']['#process'][] = $func;

  return $type;

 * Do a bit of processing for the password_confirm element.
 * Original processing happens in expand_password_confirm()
function _mymodule_process_password_confirm ($element)
  // Use the element's title, or create a custom title with the t() function.
  $element['pass1']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = $element['pass1']['#title'];
  $element['pass2']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = $element['pass2']['#title'];

  // Remove these lines if you want to keep the field labels.
  $element['pass1']['#title_display'] = 'none';
  $element['pass2']['#title_display'] = 'none';

  return $element;
  • De nada. Glad to hear it
    – tvanc
    Commented May 22, 2013 at 20:36

turibe solution is true. But you can save #title keys (do not remove), for compatibility with another modules.

* Implementation of hook_element_info_alter ()
function mymodule_element_info_alter (& $type)
  if (isset($type['password_confirm']['#process'])) {
    $func = '_mymodule_process_password_confirm';

    $type['password_confirm']['#process'][] = $func;

  return $type;

 * Do a bit of processing for the password_confirm element.
 * Original processing happens in expand_password_confirm()
function _mymodule_process_password_confirm ($element)
  $element['pass1']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = t('Password');
  $element['pass2']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = t('Confirm password');

  // Remove these lines if you want to keep the field labels
  // Hide labels for pass fields
  $element['pass1']['#title_display'] = 'invisible';
  $element['pass2']['#title_display'] = 'invisible';

  return $element;

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