I want to refresh my DEV site with data from LIVE site.
(both sites have same modules because I play with new modules on my DEV site before I install/enable modules on the LIVE site).
I have set the database configuration to be exactly the same (except localhost for my dev site).
So I dump my database from live site and restore it on my dev site.
(I know I miss some files but I don't care about that.)
All is fine: I can view the dev site with data from the live site, until I try to login as administrator. There is no way to login, no error message; I am simply not logged in.
The password for the administrator user is the same on both the sites, of course.
I checked the hash of the passwords which are different in table users.
I assumed it was due to some salt, so I also copied the salt from sites/default/settings.php
It does not help: The administrator login is still impossible.
Then I reset the admin password on my dev site as explained in http://drupal.org/node/1023428, but it doesn't help: There is no way to log in.
What did I miss?