I have a new server to play with, and I am staring at a blank canvas. I can put anything I want on it. While I am comfortable with Apache, I keep hearing how nginx can handle so much more traffic than Apache, by factors of 10, 100, even more. Not only that it's "much much faster."
When I search for articles I can find lots of stuff unrelated to Drupal. Or, when I do come across a Drupal related article it's either 1) someone's configuration file with a quick attempt at explaining how to set it up, or 2) it's someone saying "no, don't use nginx, go with Apache with PHP fcgid" but there is never explanation as of why.
So, when it comes to Drupal, what is the reality here?
As an example, I am looking for something along the lines this 2bits.com article. Here the author has taken a pretty extensive look at Apache mod_php vs Apache with fcgid, weighing the pros and cons of each, and provided a case study to illustrate the impact in the real world. There is enough information in this article for me to make an educated decision as to which approach would be best for my situation.
While that author compares mod_php to fcgid, I am looking for the same type of comprehensive, real world look at Apache vs Nginx.
Anyone switched to Nginx and been "blown away" by the difference it made compared to Apache? Even for highly optimized environments that are already using APC, Memcache, and aggressive caching like Varnish, when the only variable that changes is replacing Apache with Nginx, does make enough of a difference in and of itself to merit investing in this newer, alternative technology?
The site that will go on this server gets an avg of 2 million PV a month. LAMP stack running Cent OS 6. 4 core CPU with 8 GIGS of ram. Memcached and APC will be part of the mix. Nothing special about the Drupal install - basically vanilla 7 with about 50 modules.