I need to limit the taxonomy terms visible in a field type 'taxonomy term' using the module 'hierarchical_select' when creating a post.
There is a way to do this?
I have a vocabulary called 'cities' in this format:
- state
-- City 1
-- City 2
- state
I have a content type called 'condominiums' and this type of content I have a field called 'city' of type 'taxonomy term' (vocabulary cities) using the HS module.
I have a user with role 'city' and in this paper there is also a field called 'city' of type 'taxonomy term' (vocabulary cities) using the HS module.
I need the user with role 'city' look in the 'city' (when you create a new content) only city that is attributed to him.
Something like:
superadmin user (city 1) can see:
- state
-- City 1
-- City 2
- state
user city (city 2) can see:
-- City 2
Tanks :)