We have several roles. Each user is allocated to one role only.
Each user has a separate menu area - e.g.
user 1 - Profile - Product - Press Releases - release 1 - release 2 user 2 - Profile - Product - Press Releases - release 1 - release 2
What this question is NOT about:
It is not about restricting access to post by role (that is too blunt an instrument)
It is not about restricting access to view by role or individual user.
What this question IS about:
As the number of members increases, the "pick list" of menu items will become unmanageable. It also, of course, means that it is possible, for whatever reason, for users to post to someone else's area. We therefore need to lock each user's posting access to his own user account (in menu terms [user1] or [user2] and its subtree). Each user should not see, in the select box, menus that he cannot post to.
We need to allocate users to specific menu subtrees, presumably through either restrictions or permissions.
What does not work:
module: Menu subtree (applies to roles only)
module: Menu access (it crashed the site resulting in forced database maintenance)
module: User Permissions (it applies the standard permissions module for individual users, it does not add additional permissions.)
Node/content type: inserting a field - we can't see any way of importing the specific menu subtree that we want and, even if we could, we can't see a way of making the correct menu subtree appear for that specific user.
Any and all ideas are welcome!