I am trying to load full facet blocks on non search page to put them in cache.
What I am doing is looping through items with taxonomy $tid, then
$params = array('fq' => 'tid:' . $tid);
$current_query = apachesolr_drupal_query('apachesolr', $params, '', 'search/site');
$response = apachesolr_do_query($current_query);
$facet_block = module_invoke('facetapi', 'block_view', $block_id);
When I dsm $response->request, on each iteration I always see the first $tid in the query string ("q.alt=tid..."). The result I get is the same block for every terms, on each apachesolr_do_query requests.
Anyone got a clue on what is going on there ? The purpose of this is to generate cached facet blocks from non search pages, for several tid as the apache solr search parameter.