I try to make every users of my site can view their own and others' posted comments (like "profile:user comments history").
Although the Tracker module can do it, it is not the way I want: It doesn't display the comment but the title of the article to which the comment belongs to.
I am trying with the Views module 7.x-3. I created a comment type view to display comments and add a relationship "Comment: Author". I am stuck here: user1 can view user2's, user3's "profile:user comments history" so the value of "Comment: Author uid" (Filter criteria) should change with the profile pages.
The path of user profile page is /user/% and the arg(1) is the id of users. So I want to make "Filter critera" -> "Comment: Author uid (= < ? php echo arg(1) ; ?>
)", but it does not work.
If the Views module can't do this, please tell me some other modules (small and simple is best) that could make it.