I has been trying to set up a drupal REST Server in my computer (a clean drupal 6 installation). Unfortunately, I could not configure it. When I send a POST message (WITHOUT parameters);

ht.p://localhst/drupal/?q=note/note/retrieve or ht.p://localhst/drupal/?q=note/user/login, it replies 500 Internal Server Error.

I used this example (I copied and pasted the example to sites/all/modules) https://drupal.org/node/783460.

It is a drupal 6.28 in a Debian with Apache2. It has not configured clean URLs!

I am using the module Services (6.x-3.4-rc1) and Rest Server (6.x-2.0-beta3).

I checked the /var/log/apache2/error.log

[Sun Jun 23 17:11:24.136866 2013] [:error] [pid 2957] [client ::1:48424] PHP

Fatal error: Call to undefined function services_resource_uri_formatter() in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/rest_server/includes/RESTServer.inc on line 15

I have another doubt, how is it possible to test these services easily? These error messages for me are not intuitive. I was using drush with watchdog but I didn't give more information.


  • From your post. Your endpoint of services is note, right? So if you config the services correctly and use the REST SERVER, when you access the link: ht.p://localhst/drupal/?q=note. You'll get the message for your installation successful or not. So what did you get when access that link?
    – Stone Vo
    Commented Jun 23, 2013 at 17:22
  • I tested ht.p://localhst/drupal/?q=note and I received another "500 Internal Server Error" (same errors...) Commented Jun 23, 2013 at 22:43
  • Did you create the endpoint for services at localhst/drupal/?q=admin/build/services? Please do two steps to test your endpoint. 1. Add new endpoint correctly. 2. Use Poster firefox plugin to call the system connect service at : localhst/drupal/?q=yourendpoint/system/connect. If it returns a xml message with sessid, uid, hostname. It means you did config for endpoint correctly and you can move forward to do something else
    – Stone Vo
    Commented Jun 24, 2013 at 2:32

1 Answer 1


The problem was when I used the drush tool. It downloaded and installed the Services module, and the Rest Server module (another no necessary module).

This error was describing this conflict between modules;

[Sun Jun 23 17:11:24.136866 2013] [:error] [pid 2957] [client::1:48424] PHP

Fatal error: Call to undefined function services_resource_uri_formatter() in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/rest_server/includes/RESTServer.inc on line 15

I disabled the Rest Server and restarted the HTTP server.

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