Howzit! I have a sandbox site set up, and one of my views overrides the default taxonomy term page for one of my vocabularies. The image below shows how it currently is (unstyled) - and this works just fine. The description of the manufacturer is embedded using Views Field View module, and I'm also using the Better Exposed Filters module.
What I'm trying to do is separate the Sort By/Order form from the Category filter widget form as depicted in the Photoshop'd image below.
My only experience with overriding tpl
files has been minor theming/positioning stuff. So I overrode views-view.tpl.php
and views-exposed-form.tpl.php
, but the latter obviously just renders one form for exposed filters. Will sincerely appreciate your help with this.
FWIW, I'm using Devel and Theme Developer modules for the first time, and am completely lost with figuring out where the variables I'm looking for are, but I'll create another post for that if I'm still lost.