I'm wondering if there's a standard, nice way to add a picture - icons for example - to a page. These images should be static (= non-changing), which means that they don't depend on something else (e.g. the user's gender). Let's say that I would like to create a table with two columns: in the first column comes some random text, a view or whatever and in the second column comes a picture, according to the caracteristics I set before. [Thus, to be completely clear, the image in the column on the right side is simply chosen by the site editor and doesn't change when the text in the left column is changed.]
How can I insert such an image? Is there a module that makes this possible? I can't find any... For icons, I now created a content type 'Icon' with field_image and an image style 'Icon' with 'Image styles'. These ones combined work pretty fine, but it doesn't seem a very clean way to achieve my goal, because I've to create a new content type for each icon. Or is it?