in a very stupid action, I accidentally deleted the "Story" content type which had a lot of content. Just to be clear: I didn't delete the content, only the content type. When I realized what I was doing, I pressed esc
, so I got a drupal message that very few content types were deleted. Still, much of the content is not in the back up. I am checking whether I can restore some of the lost content.
Apparently the titles of all stories appear normally. Unfortunately the body content is missing. I recreated the content type manually and still nothing.
But when I looked in the database, I noticed that sql tables node
, field_data_body
and field_revision_body
actually contain the content from the nodes that were deleted.
Going further, I realized that the database entries of these sql tables have a column deleted
which was set to 1 for the 'story' entries. I found an article which explains how deleted fields stay in the database and suggests to set the value of the column back to 0, if you want your deleted fields back. I did that, but still the stories display only the title and not the body.
I also looked at mysql table "node_type" and story is there. It looks exactly like page.
What can I do to convince drupal to display again the body of the stories, as it is still in these fields in the database?