Is there a way to provide the original and translated values of the title and the body in a csv for example, and the Feeds module to produce the translated nodes automatically (and synced with the original nodes - [tnid])?

I have tried using "Feeds: Entity Translation" but with no success.I have set the fields to be translatable but i don't see the translation fields available in the node-importer.

Any advice on the best practice on this?

Should i better go with a Migrate implementation? All ideas/implementations welcome!


  • 1
    I use to work with feeds before, but I think that migrate is a better way to import content into drupal than feeds.
    – jorgetutor
    Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 10:44
  • Do you have to use feeds? Why not use a node import/export module (or write your own if you can't find anything that does what you want)? Commented Jan 12, 2015 at 14:21

1 Answer 1


While Feeds:entity translation should be awesome when finished you can try this Solution

I created two feed imports. I forced the language field for each one. Two separated nodes were created for each content (one in each language) but it didn't links the translations. So I used a SQL query to finish the job, it's based on the feeds uuid :

I think he meant: based on guid not uuid

  • 1
    Hi and welcome to Drupal Asnwers. I would recommend you to elaborate on your answer by describing in more detail your recommended solution.
    – Wtower
    Commented Jan 12, 2015 at 18:42

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