I have a page with a very simple template:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>TEST REGISTRATION PAGE</title></head>
print drupal_get_form('user_register');
print $messages;
print $closure;
print $main_content;
Basically, it displays the registration form and nothing else.
- I enter some bad data on the form — an already used username (admin), and no email address.
- I click "create new account".
- The page seems to submit and reload, but nothing has happened — no error messages are displaying.
- I refresh the page (F5).
- Firefox displays "to display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action that was performed earlier" — so I know that my POST went through previously.
- I click "resend" in that dialog window.
- My error messages appear — "e-mail address field is required", "the name admin is already taken".
This occurs for all of the forms I've tested so far, not just the registration form.
Why is this happening? What can I do to fix it so that the error messages display the first time?
I'm happy to do whatever I need to do debug this, but I need some direction to start looking in. :)