I have a shop created with drupal commerece modules,I enabled 2 currency in my shop , but only show one of them, I want to show price in 2 currency
something like this
price : 10$ / 20 IRR
I use multi currency module to achieve this job, but I my problem is in payment phase,
I use multi currency module to achieve this job,in multicurrency module's setting I don't want use synchronize method, if you want have two field in my product , one form $ and another for IRR, I did this job by this method
first enable IRR currency in
then in
under Enable dedicated price fields for Product check Iranian Rial
by doing this another field added you my product ( ** Price for IRR** ), this is good , after this I enable *currency selector * block ,in checking out process by switching the currency I don't see any change in current currency of billing and cart. :(
why changing currency not changing cart currency?