I recently upgrade my Drupal6 site to Drupal7 and migrated to getpantheon platform, I am hand-coding absolute image url's in nodes like this :
<div align="center">
<img src="http://www.megaleecher.net/sites/default/files/images/sneaksy.jpg"
style="max-width:100%;height:auto" alt="sneaksy" />
Despite using full absolute url's, images in feedburner are getting broken : http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheBestInternetNews
as it's source http://www.megaleecher.net/rss.xml
is outputting relative images.
Strangly, using $base_url = 'http://megaleecher.net';
(without www) in settings.php fixes the issue but using $base_url = 'http://www.megaleecher.net';
(with www) makes them relative again.
I have hired two drupal dev's from oDesk (https://www.odesk.com/o/jobs/job/Fixing-relative-image-paths-Drupal-rss-feed_~~0c48e61824bc3263/) and also asked for support from getpantheon but no solution.