Drupal 8 re-arranged all the directories and locations of modules/themes etc. Where do things go now?


1 Answer 1

  • /core contains all the files provided by core that doesn't have an explicit reason to be in the / directory.
  • /libraries contains third-party libraries. It's not used by Drupal core, but it's commonly found in many sites.
  • /modules is the directory into which all custom and contributed modules go.
    This directory contains the contrib and custom sub-directories, which can be used to make easier to keep track of the modules.
  • /profiles contains contributed and custom profiles.
  • /themes contains contributed and custom (sub)themes.
  • /sites is the directory used for running Drupal multi-site setups and it's used in the same way as in Drupal 7. Modules and themes in /sites/all/modules and /sites/all/themes will override the ones in the base modules and themes directories. Modules in /sites/SITENAME/modules and /sites/SITENAME/themes will override others for the given site.
  • /vendor is the directory where Composer dependencies go, for example Symfony and Twig.

Details on the /core directory, primarily useful to know for new core hackers:

  • /core/assets - Various external libraries used by Core. jQuery, underscore, modernizer etc.
  • /core/misc - Frontend code that Drupal Core depends on.
  • /core/includes - Functionality that is to low level to be modular. Such as the module system itself.
  • /core/lib - Drupal Core classes.
  • /core/modules - Drupal Core modules.
  • /core/profiles - Drupal Core installation profiles. Minimal, Standard, Testing and Testing multilingual installation profiles by default.
  • /core/scripts - Various CLI scripts, mostly used by developers.
  • /core/tests - Drupal Core tests.
  • /core/themes - Drupal Core themes.
  • What about the folder for (uploaded) files?
    – unor
    Commented Sep 10, 2013 at 11:00
  • Excellent question, there's also the new configuration files to take into account. I'll add those as well.
    – Letharion
    Commented Sep 10, 2013 at 12:44
  • @unor Fixed now. :)
    – Letharion
    Commented Sep 14, 2013 at 13:18
  • Have an upvote for the /libraries tip. Honestly that should be a bare directory with the core install so it is clear thats where things go... it wasn't clear to me at first.
    – Kevin
    Commented Jan 28, 2016 at 17:00

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