Even the searching I have done that looks like there may be a solution doesn't really seem to answer this.

I have a form with an input value. When the user enters a value and clicks submit, I want to call a javascript routine and make that value available to it.

It seems simple enough, but I can't really find a good answer.

3 Answers 3


You need some jQuery on the page, e.g:

Drupal.behaviors.form_submit_processor = {
  attach: function (context, settings) {
    $("form#my-form").submit(function(e) {
      alert('form submitted');
      alert($('form#my-form #edit-name').val());

You could add to your theme script.js, with drupal_add_js or form_alter and $form['#attached'] ( recommended )

  • My form keeps redirecting to another URL. I changed the $form['#action'] value to url("#"). I'm not sure how to prevent Drupal from handling the submit and just let the JS handler deal with it.
    – vintorg
    Commented Oct 6, 2013 at 5:29
  • When I event.preventDefault() after my event handler, it seems to work.
    – vintorg
    Commented Oct 6, 2013 at 5:40

Alternatively you can do this from Form API where you have access to the form directly. This enables complex behaviours and form alterations on AJAX calls.

Take a look at the Ajax framework commands. You'll need to enable AJAX in your form too. Sometimes this is as simple as adding the no-js path argument in hook_menu or adding the use-ajax class on links. Read up on the AJAX framework in Drupal and ajaxifying forms.

After the hook_form_submit you can then return an array of commands to run including the roll-your-own ajax_command_invoke.


Here's how I did it:

Drupal.behaviors.form_submit_processor = {
  attach: function (context, settings) {

    // Function to be run before form submission
    var preFormSubmit = function () {
      // do some stuff here...

    // Add a js function to run before form submission
    var formE = $('#my-form-id');
      .on('submit', function (e) {
        $.when(preFormSubmit()).done(function () {

Using $.when(preFormSubmit()).done allows preFormSubmit() to finish before the form is submitted.

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