I've found the post How to display one of Drupal's default forms which talks specifically about this issue. however I wanted to post comments on it to get more info, It didn't seem to let me. Mabey I missed a button somewhere.
Anyway, I have section of my Drupal 7 site for all account and user stuff. /my/ This is a portal so to speak, /my/account is a menu handler that originally called drupal_get_form('user_profile_form', $user);
Everything works, except when trying to upload, My profile is customised with a field to upload a file and field to upload an image.
Neither field works, it just returns errors. after the ajax kicks in.
Using the method found in the above linked post my entire form refuses to save and gives me validation errors. Thew above link mentions that custom callbacks and/or validators may have to be added due to referencing issue so i was hoping that someone could point me in the direction of what those custom things are.