I want to develop drupal multi-site with this structure:

  • One shared codebase drupal 7 multi-site, each web site has own database.
  • One master web site that has some tables shared.
  • Each multi site instances read some tables from master's database, not own database. For example conntent types, fields, views, rules and related configirations read only master's database. So I can develop all sites on one place.

As a result each site must use same content types, views, rules but different contents. I am user 1 of all sites. Sub site editors has create content and user permisions only. I dont want to share users accross sites. So I cant use domain acceess. Is it possible that?

Thanks for your helps.

2 Answers 2


If your need is

each site must use same content types, views, rules but different contents

Domain Access is simplest answer:

The Domain Access project is a suite of modules that provide tools for running a group of affiliated sites from one Drupal installation and a single shared database. The module allows you to share users, content, and configurations across a group of sites such as:

  • example.com
  • one.example.com
  • two.example.com
  • my.example.com
  • thisexample.com <-- can use any domain string
  • example.com:3000 <-- treats non-standard ports as unique

Of course it uses one database, but end-user experience you need is covered.

  • Thanks molot. I try Domain Access but my clients needs isolated each others. It is possible to isolated users and contents like seperate database? I use user reference module.
    – mtin -nong
    Commented Oct 15, 2013 at 12:05

Use Features module to store your content types, views, rules etc. in code as custom modules and enable those modules on each site in your multi-site install.

This way all sites have the same config but separate databases and you don't need a "master" database.

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