I'm using drupal 7. When I go to the CMS at the url http://mysite.com/admin/content
, the edit link for each of the content records are
I want to convert the url to:
How do I do this?
The reason I want to do this is because I want the user to always see the result of his work after he's saved it. Additionally, there are important Call-To-Action requirements on the /node/206/edit
page that appear immediately after saving a record. These CTA requirements are not available in the admin/content area.
Additional Info
I applied a bandaid solution for now. I went into my admin theme at /theme/nameoftheme/page.tpl.php
, then I replaced the statement
<?php print render($page['content']); ?>
<?php print str_replace('/edit?destination=admin/content', '/edit', render($page['content'])); ?>
Can someone please provide me with a more elegant solution, so I don't have to use this band-aid solution?