I am trying to implement some custom jquery code for a 3D menu on my Drupal 7 site. I created two .js files one with the code and other one calling it on page. I have succesfully loaded both .js files throug my theme's .info file, however nothing happens, even tho i know the js code is 100% correct and working as it should. Im also using jQuery update module set to 1.8 so that shouldn't be a problem. As i am less than a begginer regarding jquery, i ask for your help. I can't understand why is code being loaded but not working. Thanks for reading and all the answers.
(function ($) {
var Menu = (function() {
var $container = $( '#rm-container' ),
$cover = $container.find( 'div.rm-cover' ),
$middle = $container.find( 'div.rm-middle' ),
$right = $container.find( 'div.rm-right' ),
$open = $cover.find('a.rm-button-open'),
$close = $right.find('span.rm-close'),
$details = $container.find( 'a.rm-viewdetails' ),
init = function() {
initEvents = function() {
$open.on( 'click', function( event ) {
return false;
} );
$close.on( 'click', function( event ) {
return false;
} );
$details.on( 'click', function( event ) {
$container.removeClass( 'rm-in' ).children( 'div.rm-modal' ).remove();
viewDetails( $( this ) );
return false;
} );
openMenu = function() {
$container.addClass( 'rm-open' );
closeMenu = function() {
$container.removeClass( 'rm-open rm-nodelay rm-in' );
viewDetails = function( recipe ) {
var title = recipe.text(),
img = recipe.data( 'thumb' ),
description = recipe.parent().next().text(),
url = recipe.attr( 'href' );
var $modal = $( '<div class="rm-modal"><div class="rm-thumb" style="background-image: url(' + img + ')"></div><h5>' + title + '</h5><p>' + description + '</p><a href="' + url + '">See the recipe</a><span class="rm-close-modal">x</span></div>' );
$modal.appendTo( $container );
var h = $modal.outerHeight( true );
$modal.css( 'margin-top', -h / 2 );
setTimeout( function() {
$container.addClass( 'rm-in rm-nodelay' );
$modal.find( 'span.rm-close-modal' ).on( 'click', function() {
$container.removeClass( 'rm-in' );
} );
}, 0 );
return { init : init };
And here's the content of other JS file which is calling the function.
(function ($) {
$(function() {