How to load Ubercart orders for certain user ID programatically?
There is only uc_order_history() which returns formatted order table and does not work in that case.
Find the following function in Drupal 7:
* Custom function to return list of orders for certain user
function foo_get_user_orders($user, $order_status = 'completed') {
$query = db_select('uc_orders', 'uo');
$query->addField('uo', 'order_id');
$query->addField('uo', 'order_total');
$query->addField('uo', 'order_status'); // optional: $query->addField('uo', 'product_count');
$query->addJoin('LEFT', 'uc_order_products', 'p', 'p.order_id = uo.order_id');
$query->addField('p', 'nid');
$query->condition('order_status', $order_status);
$query->condition('uid', $user->uid);
$result = $query->execute()->fetchAll();
return $result;
For Drupal 6, please install dbtng module and it should work as well.
Here's a pretty simple function which will return all the order objects for a user (D7):
function my_module_uc_orders_by_user($uid = NULL, $status = 'completed') {
global $user;
$uid = is_numeric($uid) ? $uid : $user->uid;
if ($results = db_query("SELECT order_id FROM {uc_orders} WHERE uid = :uid AND order_status = :status", array(':uid' => $uid, ':status' => $status))->fetchAll()) {
$order_ids = array();
foreach ($results AS $result) {
$order_ids[] = $result->order_id;
return uc_order_load_multiple($order_ids);
and just use it manually? It doesn't look like there's a purpose-built function for what you need