I have just started to use Drupal and I'm trying to add programmatically field in the .install file.

 $field = array(
   'field_name' => 'title',
   'cardinality' => 1,
   'type' => 'text',
   'settings'    => array(
     'max_length' => 1024,


 $instance = array(
   'field_name'  => 'title',
   'label' => $t('Title'),
   'type' => 'text',
   'widget' => array(
     'type'    => 'text_textfield',
     'weight' => 1.0,
   'display' => array(
     'default' => array(
       'label' => $t('label'),
       'type' => 'text',

$instance['entity_type'] = 'node';
$instance['bundle'] = 'mytype';

The field is added correctly but it is disabled in the Manage Display. How can I change the region column from 'disabled' to 'content'? I tried to add 'region' => 'content' in the instance array but it is not working and I cannot find a good example or documentation about the problem.


1 Answer 1


I couldn't find any concrete documentation either. However, I'm going out on a limb here and not 100% certain but, I think you just need to specify a correct formatter and the settings since it works that way in the UI.

$instance = array(
   'field_name'  => 'title',
   'label' => $t('Title'),
   'type' => 'text',
   'widget' => array(
     'type'    => 'text_textfield',
     'weight' => 1.0,
   'display' => array(
     'default' => array(
       'label' => $t('label'),
       'type' => 'text', // <-- invalid formatter

text is not a valid formatter type. It should either be text_default or text_plain or text_trimmed or text_summary_or_trimmed or hidden (which hides the field from display).

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