I have installed Advanced Form Block (AFB) in a Drupal 7 site.
At first the AFB settings didn't show. But after applying the patch from issue 1863852 that got resolved. I can now create blocks, but in my block configuration form no fields are showing up. I am not getting options like in this image:
Basically I have a content type add content form that I was hoping to be able to split up into different blocks. I created an add type of block but when I go to that blocks configuration page I don't get any options beyond the normal options (no field selection options are presented to me).
Any idea why?
Infact the block isn't displaying at all, and I tried using different content types. When I go to the block configuration and save it I also get these notices:
I have been and am continuing to use Form Block.
Thinking about it those notices appearing would seem to be part of the problem as they would hint that the fields aren't being found and therefore cannot be displayed.