I have searched the answers on this site and have found threads like Configuring the temporary directory which refer to this issue but could not arrive at a solution. My setup is Linux (Fedora), Apache, PHP 5.4.22 with Drupal 7.24 and I've done the following to ensure a correct configuration of the Drupal file tree:
1) chown -R apache:apache Drupal
2) cd Drupal
3) mkdir tmp
4) chmod 777 tmp
5) Change temporary directory in drupal admin/config to "tmp"
When I try to install a module (either through direct file upload or via URL) I get the error:
Module Installation: Unable to create directory 'temporary://update-extraction-f781a69c/
Now, the curious thing is that when I look in Drupal/tmp I see the following:
[root@localhost tmp]# ls -l
total 1448
-rw-rw-r-- 1 apache apache 1476650 Dec 13 23:24 bcommerce.tgz
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache 4096 Dec 13 23:24 update-extraction-f781a69c
So the extraction folder is created and seems to have proper ownership and permissions yet I'm still getting this error.
I've also ensured that the files in my tgz archive have proper permissions and are owned by apache, so their permissions should also be OK.
Any ideas on what might be wrong here would be much appreciated; I've been banging my head against this issue for a few hours now and have gotten nowhere.