You can create a drush command named content-type-list
. Create a module named drush_content_types
, inside the
file put this code:
* @file
* Drush commands related to Content Types.
* Implements hook_drush_command().
function drush_content_types_drush_command() {
$items['content-type-list'] = array(
'description' => dt("Show a list of available content types."),
'aliases' => array('ctl'),
return $items;
* Callback for the content-type-list command.
function drush_drush_content_types_content_type_list() {
$content_types = array_keys(node_type_get_types());
drush_print(dt("Machine name"));
drush_print(implode("\r\n", $content_types));
Install the module, run drush cc drush
to clear the drush cache and use the command like this:
drush ctl
drush content-type-list
If you want add another alias to the command add elements to the aliases array like this:
'aliases' => array('ctl', 'all-content-types', 'act'),
And you can use this commands:
drush act
drush all-content-types
drush ctl
drush content-type-list
Always the output will be:
Machine name:
content 1
content 2
content n