I have an autocomplete field in a custom form which works and returns a pipe-seperated value which I want to then split up and insert into the appropriate form fields. For example, the autocomplete field returns 'Last|First|ID' such as 'Smith|John|123456789' and I want to assign these values to other form fields and replace the current value of the auto complete field with the last name.
I have successfully gotten the ID and the First Name to be populated using jquery, but the last name in the auto complete field WILL NOT CHANGE.
Some observations: if I first alert the value of the field, it changes. It's as if the script is running too fast and skips over the step to set the value of the autocomplete field. It also appears to work with other event firings instead of .change, such as .blur, or .keyup - but the thing is I need it to be .change or else it won't work for all cases.
Here's my jquery code:
$('#edit-emp-lname').change( function () {
var empName = $(this).val();
var empArray = empName.split("|");
//The following line is basically ignored. All other following lines work successfully.
Update In order to make this work properly and in IE to boot I had to do some extra code, shown below:
$('#edit-emp-lname').change(function() { doChange(); }).attr("onchange", function() { doChange(); }).blur( function() { doChange(); });
function doChange() {
var empName = $('#edit-emp-lname').val();
var empArray = empName.split("|");
setTimeout( function () {
}, 10);