As a variation to the prior answer, you could also try to combine the three rules in a single rule, by using the Conditional Rules module, which allows to include the equivalent of a Rules Condition within a Rules Action. Have a look at part 2 of the answer to "How to correct my rule to prevent duplicate taxonomy terms to be created?" for a pretty advanced Rules example that uses this technique.
By using this technique, you can implement pretty complicated Rules Logic in a single rule, which possibly prevents the need for multiple rules. Moreover, it makes it possible to group related business logic in a single rule (instead of having to look at 3 different places in the admin UI to get the big picture of those rules).
Be aware however that by using this alternative solution, you better also pay attention to the correct usage of AND and OR constructs inside such custom rules (to prevent Rules from not behaving as you would expect). If you're struggling with these constructs, you may want to look at the answer to "Which is the difference of combining rules with AND or just leave them follow one each other?"
PS: I'm assuming this question is about D7 ...