I am using drupal 7 and zen theme. And am not able to override the theme_pager using zen_pager function in template.php. Any suggestion pls?
2 Answers
Implement all/selected of the following theme functions in your template.php:
theme_pager() - main theming function, using:
changing 'theme' in each of these function names to short name of your theme.
1How to theme differently on different views and displays. Is there some form of theme_pager_view_dispaly? Commented Aug 24, 2013 at 13:50
If you are using Zen, you are probably writing a sub-theme. Inside its template.php you will have to prefix the theme_pager
function with your sub-theme name, like pretty_pager
if yout sub-theme is called "pretty".
Zen will clear the caches for you, but if it doesn't work, try clearing the caches manually. The Devel Themer module will help you check which theme function is being called.