First of all, take a look on the javascript guide on :
Here you can find Why you need to use the "Drupal" object and a good javascript pattern file.
Now an answer :
You using view, so you can display your results with a special class on your links for target them later in your javascript.
".clickable-row" Class are on the block, maybe you should attach this class on each row like this screen
Next, we can attach the special class on any field in field display setting like this:
Now when you render view, the link have a class we can use for target it with jQuery
See the DOM and HTML render
Our view is ready !
Next Step, Javascript.
1) Include your javascript
Follow the documentation below to add it.
2) Javascript Content
I use a simple javascript canvas, i will use and explain it :
* Javascript Drupal Bootstrap File
(function ($, Drupal, window, document, undefined) {
// Application global variable
// You can share data only here
var app = {};
// InitApp
// Bootstrap app configuration
function initApp(){
app.drupal = Drupal.settings.your_module_namespace;
app.$clickableRow = $('.clickable-row');
// attachEvents
// Here you bind all your jQuery event for example
function attachEvents(){
// On each clickable row, we apply our js feature
// Click event callback
function clickableRowFeature(event){
// Apply jQuery on current clicked element
var $this = $(this);
// Get the url if exists
var url = $this.find('.useThisLink a').attr('href');
// Redirect the user to url location
window.location = url;
// Here you can have others behaviors, "your_module_namespace" must be unique !
// Behaviors can be called many time, if you don't want reboot your app
// you can use an initialized variable
Drupal.behaviors.your_module_namespace = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
app.initialized = true;
})(jQuery, Drupal, this, this.document);
This should be work if you have follow previous steps.
A little extra, the code after work with your current view
* Javascript Drupal Bootstrap File
(function ($, Drupal, window, document, undefined) {
// Application global variable
// You can share data only here
var app = {};
// InitApp
// Bootstrap app configuration
function initApp(){
app.drupal = Drupal.settings.your_module_namespace;
app.$clickableRow = $('.clickable-row .views-row');
// attachEvents
// Here you bind all your jQuery event for example
function attachEvents(){
function clickableRowFeature(ev){
var $this = $(this);
var url = $this.find('.field-content a').attr('href');
window.location = url;
// Here you can have others behaviors, "your_module_namespace" must be unique !
// Behaviors can be called many time, if you don't want reboot your app
// you can use an initialized variable
Drupal.behaviors.your_module_namespace = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
app.initialized = true;
})(jQuery, Drupal, this, this.document);
That's done !
instead of cascading.clickable-row .views-row
. I've changed my answer to reflect that in the original question. And 2) You aren't placing your js inside Drupal's behavior wrappers and thus might be/is probably running before the DOM is ready for it.