So I've been using token replace for a while now with great success in my themes. For instance I'm using it currently to show the real name of an author by using

<?php print token_replace('[node:author:url]', array('node' => $node)); ?>">

The issue is that I've recently added a byline field in my storys and not all stories have a byline. I've added it normally by using

<?php print token_replace('[node:field_byline]', array('node' => $node)); ?>

However when the field is empty it simply prints [node:field_byline] so I get stories like...

By: [node:field_byline]

Is there a way to check that the token field has something in it and only show that field if there's a value? I'd like to just show nothing if there are now authors for the byline. I tried using something like:

<? !empty [node:field_byline] ?>

but this hasnt worked. Ideas?

3 Answers 3


You can use the 'clear' option of token_replace to clear any tokens it can't find a replacement for.

<?php print token_replace('[node:author:url]', array('node' => $node), array('clear' => TRUE,); ?>">

As documented here: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21token.inc/function/token_replace/7.x


Maybe this could help?

   $pos = strpos(token_replace('[node:field_byline]', array('node' => $node)), 'node:');

   if ($pos !== false) { // field is not empty
      print token_replace('[node:field_byline]', array('node' => $node));
   else {
      print '';
  • That doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't toss any errors either however. I just posts nothing at all no matter what.
    – doodirock
    Commented Jan 3, 2014 at 22:35
  • 1
    Figured it out! I just used the following and it worked fine. <?php if (token_replace('[node:field_byline]', array('node' => $node))): ?> <?php print token_replace('[node:field_byline]', array('node' => $node)); ?> <?php endif ?> If there is a better way to do it I'm all ears!
    – doodirock
    Commented Jan 3, 2014 at 23:00

Figured it out! I just used the following and it worked fine.

<?php if (token_replace('[node:field_byline]', array('node' => $node))): ?> <?php print token_replace('[node:field_byline]', array('node' => $node)); ?> <?php endif ?> 

If there is a better way to do it I'm all ears! – doodirock Jan 3 at 23:00

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