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1 answer

Testing the value of Fields stored on Taxonomy Terms

I have a field (called Division) attached to a node. I want to print out a link (called Switch) on page.tpl.php that varies according to the value of this (node-based) field. I can successfully do ...
big_smile's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

View mode for specific bundle

Drupal 7 makes it quite easy to create a new view mode (see this tutorial for instance), but is there a way to define a view mode that is only available for a specific bundle (content type)?
marcvangend's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Moving custom content types and content

I'm rebuilding a Drupal 6 site in Drupal 7. So much needs to change, it doesn't seem worth trying to upgrade, so I'm starting from scratch. I would love to know if there is an easy way to export all ...
Will's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Set default value with PHP on a node field.

I'm using Drupal 7 and have created a content type called abc. In abc there is a field called seller. When a logged in user creates a new piece of abc content, the value of the seller field would be ...
samir chauhan's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Drupal 7, Default value php snippet missing?

Im using drupal 7 and created a content type abc. In abc there is a CCK field called seller. When a logged in user create a new item for content type abc, the value of the seller field would be the ...
samir chauhan's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How to integrate Field collection module in Views?

I have created fields and grouped together with Field collection module. I have attached the group field (containing 4 fields), to user account settings in : admin/config/people/accounts/fields. Now ...
EKK's user avatar
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2 answers

Drupal 7, Custom Content Type... Does an addon that does this exist?

I rebuilding my companies intranet... we have what's called a portal. Within the portal is pages. Each portal page is either HTML, a PDF or a Video. Right now... I'm planning on creating 3 seperate ...
WernerCD's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Example of hook_file_download

How do I restrict the access to certain files based on their content type? I have the download section for registered users, and I want to prevent them to post links somewhere outside my site. Is ...
Pari's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Help with #text_format and field widgets

I'm struggling with #type 'text_format' for a widget form field as this field gets expanded two separate elements, one holding the orignal element and the other the format selector. The orignal ...
Camsoft's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Where can I see the options accepted by the field API for the widget type?

Where can I see the options accepted by the field API for the widget type? $instance = array( 'field_name' => $field_name, 'label' => 'Demofield Demo', 'description' => 'This is a ...
Miguel Borges's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What approach for showing custom user fields on a node?

I've added a few custom user fields which users complete when registering. What is the simplest approach to show these fields when viewing content that user has created? For example, when viewing a ...
Garry's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I retrieve the field data associated with an entity, using EntityFieldQuery?

I'm still confused about the entity concept in Drupal 7. I have a node type audio with an MP3 field. I'm able to use EntityFieldQuery to find all the audio nodes, but I need the URL of the MP3, which ...
krabbe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Problem while using the user_reference field in my bundle

I am creating an entity for my D7 Module and trying to include a user_reference auto-complete field in it. The autocomplete-field shows up correctly with the add-more option since I have set ...
pyrometer's user avatar
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1 answer

Field template in theme based on Garland

I have problem with template for field "field_is_new" in Drupal 7. My_Theme is a modification of the Garland theme. (I don't know if it's important.) I have created a template for this field in my ...
kszyhu's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing a field settings on a live site in Drupal7

In the middle of entering content I discovered the length of 15 characters of a particular field I set earlier is not enough. In Drupal6 I could change the settings of a cck field. It could be ...
Dmitry Vyal's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Select the fields of a node using code

I'm new to Drupal, and I have some problems. I need to select some fields from a node (via code), and then process the data. [Full-size image] Basically, I want to show the total of column "value", ...
Miguel Borges's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Custom Table or CCK?

I'm currently working on a project with a new requirement that, in a nutshell, queues submissions from users and submits them them to a remote API: collects submissions from users (with a form) each ...
rcourtna's user avatar
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1 answer

Helper to get the raw value of a node field?

I wonder if something "core" already exists that gives me the raw value of a field inside a node. For that matter I wrote this little helper, but it seems too strange not to be able to do it with a ...
Claudio's user avatar
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1 answer

Module development - integrating custom content types

I want to create a module which would need custom content types from the cck module. I know in the .info I can say a dependency is the cck module. How can I best have the module create the content ...
Matthew's user avatar
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3 answers

Export Users with custom fields?

I need to set up a semi-regular export of people who have signed up on our website. We're using Drupal 7. I can do a simple export of the Users table, but that doesn't include the additional custom ...
Tim Howland's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

very bad thing of output the vocabulary in drupal 7

I created four vocabularies for the "article" content type. I want to output the vocabulary which belongs to the node; when I used print render($conetent['field_vocab']), it output the vocabulary, ...
enjoylife's user avatar
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Custom field widget with text field formatter?

I'm trying to create a compound field in Drupal 7 that combines and image field, text field and a textarea field. I've successfully done this but I'm now trying to add text format option to the ...
Camsoft's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Add fields to user roles

I'm using Drupal 7 to create a project linking organizations to volunteers. My initial approach is to use profile module to create different profiles for each role (volunteer & organization). Is ...
starsinmypockets's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How to bypass node_access when using EntityFieldQuery?

With the following code, if the current user does not have 'bypass node access' (see _node_query_node_access_alter() for exact verifications), then the query checks for node_access, even though I do ...
Weboide's user avatar
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Using hook_form_alter to set default values for multiple-value CCK fields

I was previously using the Default Value PHP field in the CCK Field Properties page to define multi-value default which was working fine. However the code is now getting so complex and I need to pass ...
DanH's user avatar
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Are CCK shared fields loaded on node_load()?

field_metatitle is a CCK field that is used amongst 5 different content types, meaning that it is a "shared field". When I do $node = node_load('123');, I see that $node->field_metatitle is not ...
amateur barista's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Set dropdown list programmatically in exposed view filters

I have programmatically set a text CCK to a select and given a few choices: function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { if ($form_id == 'views_exposed_form' && $...
Naoise Golden's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I cascade field display formatters?

I need to display a thumbnail of my images and the count of its downloads below the thumbnail. I am using these modules: CCK FileField ImageField ImageCache DownloadCount and I think I need ...
Mohammad Ali Akbari's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Registration full name

I would like to edit the registration fields, but I can't find where to do it. I want to replace the username field on the registration form with two fields for first name and last name, which are ...
Ruben's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Grouping fields together

Is it possible to generate fields which are "grouped" together when marked as Unlimited? For example, a select field with label "What time do you wake up?" lets the user select the day of the week (...
enchance's user avatar
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Update node with services doesn't work for text_list widget

I'm setting up a REST server with Drupal 7 and Services 3.x. Everything work fine (authentication, node creation, etc..), except that I can't update a text_list field of a node. I've tried to use &...
pasine's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

How to hide a custom user field in user profile?

In Drupal 7, what is the best way to prevent any non-administrative user from changing a custom user profile field? Use case: I've created a user field called "Customer ID" that I do not want the ...
ctlarsen's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Custom CCK Currency exposed filter for available currencies

I am trying to set the available currencies programatically like this: function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { /** Modify exposed filter views */ if ($form_id == '...
Naoise Golden's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Custom content type on registration form. No node title field

I set my custom content type to show on user registration form. I see cck fields, but I don't see node title field (required field) :( Could somebody give any advice?
Codium's user avatar
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How do you build a query to get a series of nodes and their field values filtered by field values?

Hopefully someone with Drupal 7 experience can point me in the right direction. I'm creating a custom module to query some nodes and group and sort them by their field values. I tried to use Views ...
Camsoft's user avatar
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2 answers

CCK Nodereference individual imagefields

Is there a way to use a nodereference field on each individual image in a node? The images are CCK imagefields.
Kevin's user avatar
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1 answer

Displaying node fields in a view

I have a content type called Snippet. Snippet will have one image field and unlimited text fields. I want to output fields in Views as: image field (image.png) text field (Text1) text field (Text2) ...
chrisck's user avatar
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0 answers

CCK field in Workflow tab

I would like to add a user reference field to the Workflow tab. Currently we have a user reference CCK field but it is only editable in the Node edit form. Really it would make much more sense to be ...
WestieUK's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I add a real name field beside username to user information?

I want to add a real name field beside the default username when I creat a new user in admin/people/create. How can I do this? I have checked the RealName module but is not doing what I need.
EKK's user avatar
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2 answers

How to pass formatter settings to field theme function?

I've created a field by implementing hook_field_info, I've created the widget which works perfectly and I've hit a road block with the formatter. I've implemented hook_field_formatter_settings_form ...
Camsoft's user avatar
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1 answer

Display a field 'Category' on the home page

How do I display a field 'category' (so as 'tags') in the node.tpl.php?
Onita's user avatar
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cache_clear_all() doesn't seem to work

I have a block with a few CCK fields. In this block I have a link to an action that changes the value of the fields in that block. The code is the following: db_query("UPDATE {content_type_event} ...
Codium's user avatar
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3 answers

Prevent a date from happening in the past

I have a CCK field that is a date. I want to prevent people entering a date that has happend in the past. I know you can set Years back and forward and I have set this to -0:+2 but this just limits ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Pagination for entities

I have an entity called announcement, and I have a page (user/%/announcement) where I display a table of three columns (name of entity,an edit entity link and an delete entity link). function ...
ayush's user avatar
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2 answers

CCK Node Reference options not showing "this post can't be referenced."

I have a CCK field of node reference. As user 1 I can set the node ference field to a node. I will see something like Node Title[nid:123]. When I go in as another user I see [nid:123]. When I go to ...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 answers

Using third-party functions

I have a third-party PHP script that I want to integrate and use in my site. The script is quite small and comes with its own functions and array indexes. How would I be able to call the functions and ...
jay's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Custom theme function not being called?

I'm building a Drupal 7 module to create a bespoke field type. I've implemented all the required hooks. My hook_field_formatter_view() function looks like this: function MYMODULE_field_formatter_view(...
Camsoft's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I print out a field

I created a new content type with several fields in it. How would I print out those fields anywhere on the page that I need them like in the sidebar and other areas? What is the syntax for printing ...
Jordash's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Override nodereference_autocomplete functionality

I would like to edit the functionality contained in nodereference_autocomplete() so that it will only return a subset of all nodes. What would be the best way to override this default functionality?
markdorison's user avatar
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Restricting node reference values to owner

I have played with a bunch of modules (Node Reference Node Access, Views Field, View Reference) and can't seem to find one that does a very simple job; In one content type I want a field that provides ...
Christian's user avatar
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