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Inline Javascript throws an error on drupal_add_js() within an AJAX callback

I am trying to get JavaScript to measure a text field and auto submit at a character limit for an Ajax callback to be validated against a Luhn Algorithm and errors out on failure to validate. I found ...
wilburunion's user avatar
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Checkbox Form Element: Displaying checkboxes value based on on/off

I have a checkbox form element that uses taxonomy terms via variable_get as #default_value; storing the result. I don't want to overwrite value, I just want the form to render/display checked ...
kubak's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I enable an onclick event in a link on a form?

I am using the following code. $form['test'] = array( '#type' => 'link', '#href' => "javascript:;", '#title' => t('Show'), '#attributes' => array( ...
helpdoc's user avatar
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Using JCF with dynamic forms

I want to use Javascript Custom Forms (JCF) to get more attractive and consistent looking forms on my Drupal 7 site. I've got it working to a degree, however when the form changes with AJAX, the new ...
spiderplant0's user avatar
2 votes
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Override one line in core tabelselect jQuery behavior so custom checkboxes aren't affected

I have created a custom table using a Form API tableselect element, and within my table, I have embedded a checkbox form element that is checked based on an entity field (see here for details). The ...
wonder95's user avatar
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How can I toggle required field?

Using Drupal 7. I'm trying to toggle required field based on the click of a radio button. I already tried the proposed solution in this post but it did not work. Here is my code: $(context)...
lane's user avatar
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1 answer

Fancy insert stopped working

Does anyone have an issue with the fancy insert module, not actually inserting the image on click recently? It looks like the javascript in the fancy insert was hooking into the insert button by ...
Roland Snowe's user avatar
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How to hide clientside validation error message

Right now, I am using Clientside Validation. Everything works perfectly. But I would like to remove the error message which I set it showed at the top of the form. In the meantime, I would like to ...
jmu's user avatar
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Attach behavior only to the file upload button

I have a form with a managed_file field where I need to know when the upload button is clicked, and then perform an action. I decide to make it by attaching a behavior to my button but it also trigger ...
Gwaldhorf Miopau's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Ajax callback of select form field not triggered when changed by javascript, only when changed manually

I have a simple ajax form with select form input: $form['children']['number_children'] = array( '#title' => t('Počet detí'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => range(0, 15), '#...
Axel Stone's user avatar
1 vote
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Trigger an event when file is upload on managed_file field

I'm trying to trigger an javascript function when a user select an image for a managed_file field and click on the upload button, not the submit one.Except that in Drupal 7, managed_filr field do not ...
Gwaldhorf Miopau's user avatar
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1 answer

How to clear a field using jquery after Ajax form reload [closed]

I have a custom module with a custom form with two fields: field A (select), field B (datepicker). When the user picks field B, it launches an Ajax call to validate field B. All works well so far, ...
longboardnode's user avatar
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Using 'return' with an ajax callback renders an entire page before my content is loaded

I'm developing a module that uses Openlayers maps and Drupal Commerce. When you click on the map, you should see products that relate to those coordinates of where you click. I have this working ...
Jason Glisson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to display a confirm box before submitting a form?

On the node/%/edit form, when the user clicks the Submit button, I want to show a simple pop-up box with the text "Are you sure you want to save your changes?". When the user clicks Cancel (or No) ...
Wim Mostrey's user avatar
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Drupal.attachBehaviors only working for some fields when using Ajax .load

The following code works for some things that I do in terms of .load() such as adding Chosen to fields. But it won't do anything to date fields, conditional fields or field groups. They get left with ...
Niall Murphy's user avatar
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Form error messages are not displaying in colorbox

I have a custom form which is displaying in a colorbox. But the problem is when I set an error in validate function using form_set_error, the red border appears against the field but the error ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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ajax pager working depends on if js file is loaded in module .info file

I'm using the code I've outlined in my blog post for a custom image search, and I'm having a problem with the pager, but only on one site. The first page of results renders just fine, but when I try ...
wonder95's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Setting date_popup year range to more than the 3 years default in Drupal 7

I have a custom module and using date_popup. Currently the popup only shows a 3 year range in the date popup. $form['startdate'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#title' =&...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

TinyMCE textarea not editable

I have integrated tinymce in my form, inside a modal. $form['myid_templates_editor']['text-modal'] = array( '#type' => 'text_format', '#format' => 'full_html', '#prefix' =...
user avatar
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The correct way to include jquery in a module's form

I'm trying to use jquery in a form of mine that is rendered via the form api. How i'm getting jquery to work now is like so $form['raf_raffle_name'] = array( '#type' => "textfield", "#...
Haider Ali's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to dynamically populate radio button widget in DrupalGap (with InApp Purchase Products)?

I am pulling products from the iTunesConnect using the in-app-purchase cordova plugin and want to show the valid products (title) in a radio button list. The store.('product')update function renders ...
user24957's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can one add inline JavaScript in the validation function for the Form API?

I found that there is a way to add javascript files in the form validation function as stated in "drupal_add_js not work in form validation failed". However, I would like to know how to add ...
Guybrush Threepwood's user avatar
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jQuery clone of an select form with ajax event

I'm trying to clone with jQuery the block which contain a form with an ajax event. function module_api_change_currency_form($form, &$form_state){ $form['currencies'] = array( '#...
GwenM's user avatar
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How to tell if user selected an autocomplete option in a form? [closed]

I created a form that has an autocomplete field of registered users and it is attached to nodes. In the form validation function I check if the string of the textfield is a valid user but in order to ...
M a m a D's user avatar
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3 answers

Add JavaScript to a node form

I'm trying to add a custom JavaScript file to the forms to create or edit a node. I've tried mythemename_preprocess_page(), hook_form_alter() and theme_content_type_node_form(). They seem to pick up ...
CaptainCarl's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to validate webform with JavaScript?

I've got a Webform for which I need additional calculations to hidden fields. I've added a JavaScript file to the page by using drupal_add_js. And let that be the only part that works... My ...
Frank Vermeulen's user avatar
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1 answer

Conflict between ajax callback and jQuery UI dialog

I have a button that triggers an AJAX callback with the form api like so : $form['show_modal'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Some crazy text'), '#ajax' => array( '...
Germain's user avatar
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1 answer

#states not detecting a change to form via ajax_command_invoke

I have a form. On an elements I have an ajax call back. In the callback I use the commands[] to update some elements on the screen. One of the elements i have updated is used by another form element ...
Keith's user avatar
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form attached JS attributes

I'm trying to convert this: <script type="text/javascript" data-main="/Scripts/submenu/main" src="/Scripts/require.js"></script> into something like this: $form['#attached']['js'] = ...
GwenM's user avatar
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How can I execute a JavaScript function before the form submission handler is called?

I am trying to save an image using the following code. function mymodule_user_page_form() { $form = array(); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => 'Save', '#...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to append Media's file browser to a certain node type?

I have a certain node type with a canvas on it, allowing users to draw on the node. Basic functionality such as lines are working, but I'd like to allow people to upload images to it as well. Since ...
Neograph734's user avatar
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How to trigger ajax Form API action by js [duplicate]

In a custom form you can add an #ajax property, e.g. $form['some_element'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Foo', '#ajax' => [ 'callback' => 'foo_callback', ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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How to do autocomplete in a Bootstrap modal form?

I've got a D7 page that constructs a Twitter Bootstrap modal form; it appears in response to a click on a button on the page. I'd like to have in that form a textfield that uses the standard Drupal ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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How use geofield_openlayers in custom module

I'm writing a drupal custom module, in my form I need a geofield with openlayers map widget. I can create a geofield_openlayer by using Content type, but I don't know how can I create the field in my ...
Gianfranco's user avatar
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Dont Refresh Drupal's Page after a button is click in Forms API [closed]

I had started developing a module in Drupal. I made two form controls: a fieldset and a button. The button calls a javascript function "myphoto_options" when it is click. This function only does an ...
user avatar
2 votes
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jQuery events are lost after form reload

First I thought that this would not be a Drupal specific problem, but jQuery specific solutions didn't solved it. I hope you have some advices. I have a form with lots of fieldsets. To find the right ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to pass Javascript variable with form on submit?

I want to pass a variable created with Javascript to $form_state so that I can use this variable in the form_submit function. In an ajaxified form I can use: Drupal.ajax[ajax_el]
Daniel's user avatar
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How to add special character validation on specific field in form registration process

I want to add a special character validation on a specfic field. Here I have my code but it does not work and there is no error. function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, &$...
Adeel Nawaz's user avatar
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Is it possible to build a form with jQuery and still use ajax elements and Drupal 7 Form API?

I have a form built using for the most part many ajax elements within the form api. The form is working if a user is going through it at a normal pace however as this is to be a productivity tool, any ...
Inigo Montoya's user avatar
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Form validate without submit action

I'm developing a site that it will use Services for the CRUD operations and ANGULARJS for the comunication frontend <-> backend. Now when I want to insert a new content of content type FOO I will ...
ZioBudda's user avatar
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How to prevent newline character in textarea [closed]

I'm building a form in a module for Drupal 7 and I want to add a textarea as I would like it to be multiline so that text overflows on the next line, etc. but I don't want users to be able to create a ...
Andy's user avatar
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How to attach Dropzone.js uploads to a form element

I'm integrating dropzone.js into my form, but I have an issue regarding my file uploads. I have my dropzone set up, and file uploads are in the $_FILES array. I want to call file_save_upload to ...
vintorg's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to auto-submit a form using Drupal Form API?

I need help with making a drupal form. I've made the form and it works perfectly fine, all it does is capture the email, ip, and date and time of a user. The problem is I don't want the user to have ...
user avatar
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4 answers

Execute jquery function if Ajax callback form complete

I got a custom ajax callback which replaces my checkbox options based on the select option. Now after the checkboxlist get's updated i need to execute a jquery function on those checkboxes. How can ...
mgoubert's user avatar
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create a downloadable file after submit webform

Hello Im not sure if this can be done, but Im trying to make a simple app where you create your own lexical analyzer. So in the webform I ask the necessary information, then I need the following: ...
svelandiag's user avatar
-2 votes
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Change value input field according to other fields

I have 10 input fields when you create a product (= node). I have an input field amount, price & reduction and sell price. So when the field amount, price & reduction are filled in I want to ...
nielsv's user avatar
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How to retrieve sumbitted data in modal

I want in add content have a link(or button) when user click on lt the popup (modal or any popuping method like dialog,modal,lightbox,colorbox ) will open, in that form I want have some field, like ...
Yuseferi's user avatar
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Validate date selection in date picker

I am using a javascript datepicker to allow users to select a date (which I have functioning in my form). What I don't know how to do is limit the dates that can be selected. Is there a way to do this ...
user5013's user avatar
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Attaching a system js library using #attached property (D7)

When defining a form using the form api I can attach my own css and js like this: $form['#attached']['css'] = array( drupal_get_path('module', 'my_module') . '/my_css_file.css', ); $form['#...
Felix Eve's user avatar
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EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type node in modal

I want to open create content type in modal, according to modal form and modal api example, I implement it, I test the problem is here when I test it by contact form ctools_include('modal'); ...
Yuseferi's user avatar
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