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In node add, how to upload file using image from clipboard

How can I paste image from clipboard and save into image_field ?
DanielRatk's user avatar
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1 answer

Node content is not shown

I installed DrupalGap. Everything works fine so far, except that the node body is not displayed. I have none of the mentioned interfering modules installed. I also tried with a fresh Drupal 7 ...
xandi's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I create a log/statistics of on page events?

I am using drupal 7, I have seen there are already statistic modules but can't find any for my situation On my website I am trying to track certain on page activities which site admins can see in a ...
Tasha Jordan's user avatar
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1 answer

Call javascript right after the form elements are rendered

I have a content-type "Document". I have a multiple select dropdown box in my form. $form['priorities']['selectoffid'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => 'Select Signatories', ...
alyssaeliyah's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How come javascript:void(0) is creating a 404 page?

We have a need to have an to have href="javascript:void(0);" so that some action can take place on the page without refreshing the page. HOwever, this is generating a 404 page and we need assistance ...
sf_admin819's user avatar
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Possible Cross Domain Proxy Issues

My drupalgap app works fine in ripple emulator when I disable the cross domain proxy options. However, when I compile the app and pull out the debug apk and run the app on emulator the main menu and ...
Arvind Vishwakarma's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Add JavaScript to a node form

I'm trying to add a custom JavaScript file to the forms to create or edit a node. I've tried mythemename_preprocess_page(), hook_form_alter() and theme_content_type_node_form(). They seem to pick up ...
CaptainCarl's user avatar
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1 answer

Add JavaScript to a page without access to core files?

I apologize in advance if this is a really simple question, but I'm pretty new to Drupal and still figuring out my way around things. So I was wondering if it is possible to add JS to a certain node ...
user47143's user avatar
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How to display node in popup using modal_forms module

Using Modal Forms module I want to popup node content without header and footer. I am getting many links explaining using Lightbox2 but not with modal_forms.
Suresh Kamrushi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How add javascrip file to a node? (module)

I have create a module who add a new node named SquareOffs. I make that in my file. I would like to add to that node a javascript file, squareoffs.js, but I don't know to do that. I ...
Lauriane Mollier's user avatar
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1 answer

infinit redirection loop with lightbox2 module

I have a redirection with drupal_goto() function like that : drupal_goto($url, array('fragment' => 'lightbox='. $lb_path, 'alias' => TRUE)); this link, after redirection, automatically open ...
Boussetta moez's user avatar
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Whats the most effective way to intergrate a javascript cost calculator to a specific node

I'm going to use a JavaScript cost calculator for perspective customers to calculate costs. I was wondering what was the most effective way to integrate the script within a node.
user16277's user avatar
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How can I create an "allow anything" field on a node?

We're building a site and need to allow our users to have a field on the node that will allow for ANY content: scripts, iframes, script files, css files, etc; essentially embed codes for mailchimp ...
SomethingOn's user avatar
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Is there any way to use a jQuery overlay to confirm/reject node deletion?

When I delete a node (any type of node, presumably), I'd like to have the confirmation happen through a jQuery-like yes/no dialog popping up over the page, rather than being redirected to a separate ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to get the node ID in jQuery/JavaScript

Is there a definitive, universal way to do this? For example using some environment variable that comes with Drupal.behaviours? I have done some research and there seems to be no common answer.
therobyouknow's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Multiple nodes in one slide using views slideshow or another module

I have a slideshow using views_slideshow which displays the latest post from 4 different content types, I need the slide to show multiple contents (from different content types) in one slide, when you ...
Ashkar A.Rahman's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I add a dynamic Facebook like button to every node of a certain content type

One very comfortable solution to that problem is provided by Unfortunately the positioning of the button isn't flexible enough for my needs. I want every ...
leymannx's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

How do I add javascript to a node or block

I've made a cost calculator script and want to use it on my Drupal 7 site. I heard to use drupal_add_js, but I don't know in what context.
user16277's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Include javascript in node

myjavascript.js: function initialize() { var waStyle = [ { featureType: "all", stylers: [ { saturation: -100 } ...
Karmacoma's user avatar
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Save a node via javascript

I want to be able to save a node when certain events happen in the browser. I.E the user changes tab. Is it possible to save a node in drupal using javascript? Is there a javascript api tfor drupal? ...
Rodney's user avatar
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2 answers

#states in add node form

How to use #states in add node form? I don't experience any problems when use them with exposed filters (on user side), but cannot do the same when additing new nodes. I tried the following code: ...
moto's user avatar
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2 answers

Show a popup after saving a new node

How do I create a popup which can use the node variables after saving a new node? For example, I want to show a popup with the social media share button. Should I use node_save()?
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

CKEditor generates <br /> when leaving a textarea field empty

I'm using CKEditor module with satisfaction, but it behaves really frustrating in one case: when leaving textareas empty, it generates <br /> tags in them after rendering CKEditor's interface. ...
Sk8erPeter's user avatar
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2 answers

Import js code in node

I'm using Drupal 7 and Clean theme. And i have got a map. That's javascript codes. I created map field in my content type and want import this javascript in node. How can i do?
Karmacoma's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Integrating Impress.js

I'm trying to integrate Impress.js into a Drupal 7 instance, so that I can define a new content type (ie. keynote) for which I use a specific page.tpl.php template. I build a small module to load ...
versvs's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Show a node (content) in a light box D7

I need to show a video in a light box on a site and am having difficulty. I thought I would create a normal page with the proper code but when I go to load the video the screen grays out then goes and ...
KenAesthetic's user avatar
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Allowed range for date input - down to the day level rather than the year level?

I am trying to set up a content review process for a client's site. The desired process is this: When users are adding content, they specify a "review date" This date must be between today and ...
jackmcintyre's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a module that allows me to add files via ajax to a body field?

I am using Drupal 7. I am looking for a module that allows users to drag and drop files (images/video/audio) inline into a body field with something like jQuery UI sortable. I would ideally like the ...
oobie11's user avatar
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1 answer

How to retrive menu_get_object() in javascript, jQuery?

I'd like to use the $node object in JavaScript, preferably Drupal's DOM. Is there a recommended way to do this in Drupal?
Logi's user avatar
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