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Add a second RulesAction to a custom module

I created a custom module containing one Rules Action that works perfectly. I tried adding a second by creating a second php file in the MODULE/src/Plugin/RulesAction folder, with the names and class ...
yuuuu's user avatar
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Delaying a Rules action until previous actions are complete

I'm making an HTTP request in an action which obviously takes some time. I want to use the response of that request in another action, but every time I get an error since the request hasn't completed ...
yuuuu's user avatar
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Memory error when updating user field with Rules

I'm using the Rules module to update my user email signatures. The rule get's triggered whenever an account is updated and performs a simple custom action. This is the action, all it does is save a ...
LennertSk's user avatar
-1 votes
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Taxonomy Term Field of a Reference Field in a Product not available in Data Selector for CheckOut Rules

I installed Drupal Commerce Kickstart 2 with drupal version 7.54 and drupal commerce Version: 7.x-1.14. My problem is I want to send email to the store owner every time an order is completed. So in ...
alyssaeliyah's user avatar
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module to test if e-mail is working

In D7 I'm trying to determine the best way to periodically check if e-mail is working. I'm looking for a way to create a workflow that, say, on cron would check the day of the month, if it's the day ...
Pat Leonard's user avatar
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"Unable to send email" error shown to anonymous users in Workflow action

Using the Workflow module, I've got a content type that can be created by anonymous and authenticated users alike, then it goes into a review process. Upon creation, I want to email the user with a ...
UnsettlingTrend's user avatar
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How can I produce a non-blocking process to modify newly created nodes of custom content type?

I have a custom content type called a Scan where the only required field is ISBN. Nodes of this type are created when a user POSTs to my REST API endpoint with an ISBN number. That's all working fine, ...
Martin Joiner's user avatar
5 votes
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How to create custom rules action event conditions?

Is there any universal formula or module to create custom rules actions, events and conditions? So that I just have to replace the required values and rest of the code remains the same. I searched, ...
Umair's user avatar
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Rules does not have any action for publish selected content

In admin/content page we have some update options. I want to execute a Php code only when I use publish selected content or unpublished selected content on that page. This rules should be fired JUST ...
shekoufeh's user avatar
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How to use tokens in data selectors in Rules and how to get autocomplete to work?

In Drupal 7, the Rules module was quite simple to use. You create a rule, define it's action and done. In Drupal 8 version of Rules however, i.e the alfa1 version (which is what I'm using), I see some ...
innocent rock's user avatar
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Rules event is not triggering

I've created a custom action to fire when the "checkout is complete" event occurs. The front end is a mobile application, where as the back end is Drupal. So I create an order using its API and update ...
Fazeela Abu Zohra's user avatar
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Different ways of logging in a user without having them to type anything?

I'm on Drupal 8 and currently looking to replicate similar functionality like: -- They do not have a D8 version yet. I need to auto login a specific user ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
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How to create a Privatemsg thread with multiple recipients in a Rules component?

I'd like to send private messages to a selected group of users. For this purpose I use a view with VBO and a Rules component action (utilizing the "Send message" action provided by Privatemsg) - as ...
StG's user avatar
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How to automatically modify a field after saving content?

I have posted this question on (via a comment titled "field modification triggered by saving action"), but I realized that the thread is more than five years old. So I reproduce here the ...
Andrés Chandía's user avatar
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How to create a custom event in rules?

I need to create an custom event for an action to be triggered in the Rules module. Custom event is after completing the checkout process the page will be redirected to confirmation page. I need to ...
user3686276's user avatar
3 votes
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How to pass data from a Rules Action to a subsequent Rules Action?

How I can add actions in the Rules module in which they have a relationship with each other sequentially. I mean a 1st Rules Action sequentially passes data to a next Rules Action and in that next ...
Lê Quang Tú's user avatar
2 votes
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Act on date field value

I have a CT with a Date (Unix timestamp) field implemented. It represents the start date of an event. One simply question: Is there a way to compare somehow, this value with the current date() and ...
mchar's user avatar
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Rules token one-time-login-url is showing up empty

I have a rule that, after submitting a webform, a user gets created and then sends two emails to that user. One saying their form data is being looked at by someone for review before they get a ...
CR47's user avatar
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Perform action on logout,

I would like to add javascript on logout. I tried using hook_user_logout but the javascript doesn't get added. Even adding something as simple as drupal_set_message doesn't result in a message ...
Benjamin Thvedt's user avatar
-1 votes
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Returning a variable from a rules action

I am trying to create a variation on Fetch Entity, and I'm having trouble returning an entity. I'm just grabbing the data using db_query, and trying to return an array of nodes that are loaded, but ...
Jack Ryan's user avatar
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"Send email" action not working to send email to poster of comment

I have successfully set up email notifications on my client's blog for administrators when new comments are posted and am now trying to set it up to send a thank-you email to the poster of the comment ...
Matt Browne's user avatar
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Returning an entity from a custom Rules action

I'm new to writing modules and back end dev. I'm trying to write a custom Rules action that takes a list and returns one item from that list to use as a relationship end point. I've declared the rule ...
robriley78's user avatar
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when a button_field is presses, how do I access the node that owns the button?

I have a button (button_field) on a content type which is rendered by a view. The view will display a list of items and each will have a clickable button. When the user clicks a button, I need write ...
Hoytman's user avatar
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Rules: how to create variable with PHP and $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERRER']

I want to parse the query string off the HTTP_REFERRER and make that available as a variable for actions to use. I feel like one of these options should let me do that, but I can't be sure... The ...
doub1ejack's user avatar
3 votes
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Programmatically trigger rules action component

I have some problem in triggering an action component. I tryed to call it from the module function and from the devel/php page. This is my component settings As you can see I have one node argument ...
Shyghar's user avatar
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How to perform a REST request after a node created using rules?

I have a backend service written by Python, which is exposed a JSON api. And I want drupal to perform an HTTP POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE... request with json data (which is an output of a node) to the ...
clark's user avatar
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How to prevent a Rules Action to happens twice using Rules Event User account validated?

I've set up a rule that sends you an HTML email when you activate your account. It seems to throw back a notification about: Notice: Undefined variable: attachment in SmtpMailSystem->mail() But it ...
Andrew Morris's user avatar
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How do you perform a rules action by the quantity of a specific commerce product?

I'm working on a module which is going to be used alongside Drupal Commerce so people can buy a set number of digital products. I've written a custom rules action, which will be run once for each ...
Dan Murfitt's user avatar
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Modal notification box on the screen of every authenticated user

I want that every time I or any other admin (I have 2 more) post a new article each authenticated user should get a modal notification box on it's screen displaying a teaser of the Content Type I have ...
user1071840's user avatar
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Writing a custom Rules Action for VBO- do I need to use Entity?

I have a list of email addresses displayed in a view. I'd like to parse those email addresses using a rules action, via VBO. I'm trying to pass the email address to my rules action as a parameter, ...
cjm2671's user avatar
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Getting current node ID for use in VBO operation [closed]

I have a view of nodes and I'm using VBO and rules to apply taxonomy terms to the nodes. What I want to do is: Get the current node's ID (that is, the node with the view block in it). Get the value ...
user2212873's user avatar
3 votes
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Action to be triggered on Comment Approval

How can add new rule to trigger when a comment approve, in Drupal 7?
Fasal's user avatar
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Drupal Rules: How do I check if node is updated via edit form or via VBO?

I'm trying to build a reaction rule that fires on the event After updating existing content, but with the condition to only run after the node has been manually updated using the node edit form, not ...
gazorp's user avatar
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Regarding flag actions and rules integration

I am using flags by the Flag module. I added two action on that flag through Flag actions: The first one is to send an email to the site admin whenever the node is flagged. The second is to do a Page ...
why's user avatar
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What does 'set breadcrumb' do in Rules?

One of the actions that comes with the Rules module is 'set breadcrumb'. When trigger this action, however, nothing seems to happen to the breadcrumb. What is supposed to happen? Does it set the ...
beth's user avatar
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Module that provides Rules action to create node?

Is an Action to create a node available in any module? I tried searching but couldn't find it. I was hoping something as basic as a node create action would be available.
radj's user avatar
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How to make a Data Selector a negative value in a rule action?

I create a rule and inside it I added a action, this action involves a data selector: node:field-labpoints. I need to make this data selector a negative value. I tried with -node:field-labpoints and -...
chefnelone's user avatar
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Rules + Button Field: getting entity object to a custom action

I am using Rules 7.x-2.2 with the latest version of Button Field (, Session API ( and a custom module to store some entity ...
Riari's user avatar
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Schedule change of field

Rules does not allow data selection of fields without first knowing the node type actually has said field. Rules only allows you to schedule components. Rules action components can't have conditions ...
J V's user avatar
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How to disable a rule action?

When creating rules I use to create System Message actions to print out some values for checking purposes. Then in production I'd like to disable instead of deleting these actions. Is there any way to ...
chefnelone's user avatar
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Trigger a rule when a module update is available

It would be terrific to have Rules integration for when the Update Manager module finds an update. Is there a way to do this? Potential ways I'd use this would be to have an update page, customized ...
Josh's user avatar
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Drupal 7 Rules : How to get Node Object (from Custom PHP) after a node event is triggered?

In Drupal 7, i am setting up a rule. That rule is applying to trigger on the Node Save event. After the node is saved [Condition] and the rule is properly triggered, then how can i get that saved ...
夏期劇場's user avatar
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Drupal Commerce Rules & Custom Actions

When the checkout process is complete I'd like to record the SKU and the user ID in a separate table in my database. Is the best approach to use the Rules module, using the 'Completing the checkout ...
Adam Nuttall's user avatar
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How do you dynamically redirect a user's role?

This is a two parted question that deals with two different Modules "User" (or even possibly "triggers and actions") and Profile2. The main task is to have a user dynamically placed within a user role ...
Sun Rhythms's user avatar
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Why are only a few actions available on my triggers page?

I'm customising the content publishing flow of my site using actions and triggers. Unfortunately I've got a problem that not all the actions are show on the triggers page. For example on I have: ["...
user1004005's user avatar
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What are Hooks, Actions and Triggers in basic terms

In basic terms what are hooks,actions and triggers. My ideas are that hooks allow you to do something when an event takes place and that the "something" is the action. I am having a bit of trouble ...
mintuz's user avatar
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Email send action fails: Cron has been running for more than an hour and is most likely stuck

I am maintaining a Drupal 6 installation. The task was to send an email to all registered users. I was using a rule set containing one rule with a default action: "send email to all users of a certain ...
spikey's user avatar
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why is the node id missing from the comment:edit action?

When I setup a trigger on comment creation and edit that fires the action "send email" I have the folling tags available in the action editor that seem to be missing the nid on output: [comment:edit-...
dibs's user avatar
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Different fields of same content type to different roles

I have a content type 'new resource'. I have the form displayed as a page. I would like to make it so that form contains an image field for the admin role, but have this field hidden for any ...
njwrigley's user avatar
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Updating taxonomy vocabularies with Rules?

I'm wondering if there's a way to add/edit/delete Taxonomy terms in a Rule with Drupal 7? I haven't found any way to define an action that will let me do that. Usecase: I'm trying to use Rules to ...
BenjaminRH's user avatar