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Writing a custom Rules Action for VBO- do I need to use Entity?

I have a list of email addresses displayed in a view. I'd like to parse those email addresses using a rules action, via VBO. I'm trying to pass the email address to my rules action as a parameter, ...
cjm2671's user avatar
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Getting current node ID for use in VBO operation [closed]

I have a view of nodes and I'm using VBO and rules to apply taxonomy terms to the nodes. What I want to do is: Get the current node's ID (that is, the node with the view block in it). Get the value ...
user2212873's user avatar
4 votes
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Drupal Rules: How do I check if node is updated via edit form or via VBO?

I'm trying to build a reaction rule that fires on the event After updating existing content, but with the condition to only run after the node has been manually updated using the node edit form, not ...
gazorp's user avatar
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Pass an argument to a Rules Action using VBO

If I create a Rules Action to set the value of a CCK field, and point to that action from VBO, is there a way to add user inputs to the VBO form on the views page to pass parameters to the Rules ...
Joren's user avatar
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