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Questions tagged [css-js-aggregation]

The process to merge files together to improve a site performance with less server requests is called file aggregation.

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JS aggregation causes a console error

I'd like to activate the core JS aggregation but I am having an error in the console when I do it: Uncaught SyntaxError: invalid property id The error is triggered from [email protected] which is ...
MacSim's user avatar
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How to force the browser to refresh the CSS/JS files

I've made a small change on a view (added a new class) and some related changes in the CSS files of the theme. Since the config change (HTML output) is immediately in effect, I need the browser to be ...
s427's user avatar
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'stale_file_threshold' is not a supported key [closed]

I have installed "Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation" on my Drupal 10. but after installation, I faced a problem. In performance page, when I want to save configuration (for example I checked/...
Mehrdad201's user avatar
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How can I change the place of the js and css files generated by advagg to another place

How can I change the place of the js and css files generated by advagg to another place, for example in a folder at the root of the site. Thanks for your help
Loubna's user avatar
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CKeditor 5 does not load with Aggregate JavaScript files option

I use Drupal 9.5.5, CKeditor 5 and BootstrapBarrio theme. When I enable "Aggregate JavaScript files" option in Performance, CKeditor does not load when a user (non admin) edits node. I ...
RafaTicArte's user avatar
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'Aggregate and compress CSS files' and 'Aggregate JavaScript files' don't work

Recently selecting Aggregate and compress CSS files or Aggregate JavaScript files in the Performance page stopped working on a Drupal 7 site: When they are selected, the CSS/JavaScript file won't load....
james6848's user avatar
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After updating from 9.2 to 9.3, my site breaks, but turning CSS/JS aggregation off fixes it. What can I change to make it so I can turn it back on?

After updating from 9.2 to 9.3, my site breaks. When I turn off CSS and JavaScript aggregation, it fixes my 9.3 versioned site. I would like to turn it on as that would speed up my site. Normally I ...
Guybrush Threepwood's user avatar
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How to add class to multiple view-blocks using twig?

I have four blocks to a view. I want to add class 'fancy-body' to all four blocks. How can I add that. view_id : categories display_id's of blocks : block_1, block_2, block_3, block_4 I know, I can ...
Steve Siddu's user avatar
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What's the equivalent of drupal_build_css_cache()?

Our client uses an external website for some of their pages. This provider does not enable us to theme their website directly, but they do allow us to load a single JS file from the Drupal site that ...
Geat's user avatar
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Advagg with S3fs relative url() references inside of CSS files - broken image URL

Background Images Paths are Changed when CSS Aggregation is On s3fs module with AdvAgg to store CSS/JS aggregates on the S3 stream wrapper Without Aggregation (Works well). fetch from domain base url. ...
Thirsty Six's user avatar
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Old GZ file is generated after editing CSS original

After editing CSS file in the /sites/default/files/css directory I removed its GZ version and it's generated after a while, but with old CSS code. How to edit CSS correctly? And how to force ...
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Escaping CSS digits, 0 is removed from CSS aggregated files

The following HTML markup won't work on a production site. <div class="iconleft 109">TEXT</div> This is the code in the custom.css file. .iconleft.\31 09, .iconleft.\31 12, ....
C. Riemer's user avatar
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Custom js added with drupal_add_js doesn't actually get added if I enable "Aggregate JavaScript files" or "Cache blocks"

The site is the most stock, only Drupal 7 core is installed. included my theme, where the page.tpl and html.tpl theme files are copied from core I created a Yandex.Maps module, this is a block where ...
engenes's user avatar
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Deployment Issue with Heroku

I have a Drupal project on heroku and it works fine, until a dyno restart. After that, the Css and Js on the Drupal site stop working. Whenever that happens, I have to do a flush cache to get the site ...
Aves2432's user avatar
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How is the hash for the files calculated?

I am taking an HTML snapshot of a node in Drupal 8 every day at 4 am. Every night a Cron job kicks off this process. I have a service that handles the entire process. Everything works for now, but I ...
Jay Chand's user avatar
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Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation Module Breaks My Site Layout

When I enable my module Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation it breaks my site layout. Is there something I need to do before or after when enabling this module. To fix the site layout I need to disable the ...
firefocus888's user avatar
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How do I reliably expose aggregated CSS/JS to a third party app?

(TL;DR at the bottom) For the purposes of "theming" some other internal apps based on ASP etc., I need to make a D7 site's CSS/JS available at a permanent, reliable URL; one which will also self-...
NikLP's user avatar
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Serve aggregate CSS/JS files from S3 instead of local storage

I have enabled aggregate CSS/JS from the backend. It stores the aggregated files in the local system. How do I make them accessible through the S3 bucket? I have already installed the S3fs module. ...
i am batman's user avatar
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CSS and JS 404 On Admin Site Only - New Install [closed]

This is a new server build... me@server:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic Apache... me@...
user1801810's user avatar
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Aggregating Javascript files breaks JS

On my d8 site I have AdvAgg CSS/JS Validator, AdvAgg Minify CSS, AdvAgg Minify JavaScript, AdvAgg Modifier and Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation enabled. I have standard settings used in the AdvAgg config. ...
plambre's user avatar
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Aggregating JavaScript generates errors and breaks JS functionality

My website is working well but I was required to aggregate CSS/JS by enabling the system.performance.js.preprocess config key. Once the JS code is within one single file I got some errors that doesn't ...
Juan De León's user avatar
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How to disable core JS aggregation and AdvAgg just for admin paths

I help look after a site which uses $settings['file_public_base_url'] to serve files from a different subdomain on the frontend, but on the backend (admin paths like node/add and node/edit) this ...
Phil Wolstenholme's user avatar
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Can I aggregate all stylesheets core, contrib and custom into one single stylesheet?

Is there any way to avoid Drupal from serving multiple stylesheets and instead bundle them together? I am going to look into I want to avoid all the multiple @...
Andrew Welch's user avatar
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Stop css file renaming when working locally

I've followed this guide to setup settings.local.php: And in my custom subtheme I have a stylesheet style.css which is working correctly. However when I look in ...
hjalpmig's user avatar
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Resolve Adv CSS/JS Agg - gzip issue

I have this issue on my drupal status report. How do I get rid of the warnings on Advagg?
Moses Liao GZ's user avatar
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Upload custom font files

I've been given a directory full of font files (woff2, svg, ttf file types). Is there a way to get these fonts to load when a page is rendered in Drupal? Is there a specific directory I have to put ...
The Unknown Dev's user avatar
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Style Sheet sometimes does not load Microsoft Edge Browser [closed]

I am using the Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation module to load css once the page has loaded: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sites/default/files/advagg_css/...
albertski's user avatar
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What is the correct way to exclude certain CSS files for anonymous, but include for authenticated users? [duplicate]

We have a subtheme, mytheme that is based off of the classy base theme. We have set Aggregate CSS Files = true and when the pages load we end up with many aggregated CSS files. One issue is that we ...
usernameabc's user avatar
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Hostname for CSS and JS Aggregation

We would like to place the aggregated CSS and JS onto a CDN as static resources. To accomplish this we need to load these resources with a special hostname. Let's say the base url of the website is ...
Greg Sims's user avatar
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JS/CSS aggregation not creating css folder

I am creating a Drupal 8 website with a custom theme. When css and js aggregation checkboxes are checked, js directory is created in sites/default/files/, however css folder does not get created. ...
PHG's user avatar
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Aggregated javascript contains binary data, breaks site

Today I noticed a site's javascript was broken. One of the aggregated javascript files contained a bunch a binary data that (obviously) caused a syntax error; ‹EAk1…ÿŠæ”°!«Ð–¢Á¶]¤µ'³³6â&K2ºÑßÞ,...
Menno van den Heuvel's user avatar
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Advagg only aggregating and compressing some files

I'm using the Advagg module to reduce the number of http requests for CSS/JS files, but this only seems to work to a limited extent. In particular I'm concerned about why my theme stylesheets/js aren'...
Chris's user avatar
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Problems with aggregated CSS

I activated aggregate CSS on my local development and on a remote testing environment without any problems. Now on staging the aggregation of CSS files causes trouble: on some pages the styling looks ...
Tobias Krause's user avatar
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Pros and Cons of Combining CSS/JS files or loading contextually?

I am building an application in Drupal 7. There is one common CSS file A.css with 1000 lines of code. There are other 5 CSS files(B.css,C.css .... F.css) with 100 lines each. I want to load the other ...
Sandesh Yadav's user avatar
4 votes
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Force rebuild of aggregated css/js [duplicate]

I have manually removed all aggregated css and js files from sites/default/files. I would like Drupal to regenerate these, but it does not. Drupal is still looking for the old files, the ones I have ...
Scott Joudry's user avatar
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#states doesn't work with Aggregate JavaScript

Recently I have encountered the strange behavior of setting form created with Form API in Drupal 8. I am using #states to hide one of the form elements ( radios ) when another element is empty. The ...
Mister Paszczakowski's user avatar
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Background Images Paths are Changed when CSS Aggregation is On

I have a Drupal 7 site with and Adaptives Themes subtheme enabled and set as default. I was recreating the Drupal 6 site in Drupal 7 on a subdomain and have recently transferred it over. My site has ...
Chris Happy's user avatar
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Aggregated CSS & JS files revert to old version

I'm troubleshooting an odd issue on my Drupal 7 site where it seems that old versions of our aggregated CSS & JS files are used some amount of time after a cache clear. How this is playing out is ...
nkanderson's user avatar
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Upstream cache clear issues

I'm running into issues with caching on my Drupal 7 site, where it seems that users are receiving stale pages, despite not having "cache pages" or "cache blocks" settings enabled. There is no ...
nkanderson's user avatar
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CSS is broken only certain admin pages

Drupal 8.2.7: Similar to this question: Why does my Site have a broken theme/style? In my case only certain admin pages css are broken and this seems to only affect admin, not unauthenticated users. ...
Chris Mitchell's user avatar
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Drupal 7 Breaks CSS Rule Ordering Standards when CSS Aggregation is Turned On [closed]

Drupal 7 has an interesting bug (some may consider this a feature) when rules are included before an external CSS document is included using @import. The CSS Aggregation engine will let you "bend the ...
MLK.DEV's user avatar
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How to exclude specific css file from aggregation

Is it possible to exclude a specific css or js from drupal'l css and js aggregation ? For ex: Exclude custom-style.css from being aggragated ?
echo's user avatar
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How do I pre / post process aggregated css or js files?

I want to declare the character encoding of our aggregated css files - how would I be able to pre or post process the aggregated css files in Drupal 8? E.g. injecting @charset "UTF-8"; on top of all ...
Andre Baumeier's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is my site's homepage loading in static mode?

I am using the AdvAgg module and all of its submodules, configured it using the configuration in AdvAgg README file. After doing so, the site's mobile view got problem. So I disabled all from AdvAgg ...
Ragnyl Romero's user avatar
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Problem when agreggating CSS/JS files

I'm working on a small D8 site. When turning the option "Aggregate CSS files" (admin/config/development/performance) on localhost, everything works fine. However, doing so when on my test server ...
s427's user avatar
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What does the AdvAgg bundler do?

The description for the AdvAgg bundler says: If not checked, the bundler will not split up aggregates. I know that aggregation is merging files together and I take that splitting isn't the opposite ...
21 votes
3 answers

How to disable aggregation from either drush or PHPmyadmin?

I've been searching for this and ALL I found deals with Drupal 7. Old drush command drush vset preprocess_js 0 doesn't work for Drupal 8 and the "variable" table in DB doesn't exist in 8... Yet, I ...
0 votes
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How to fix google page speed insights issue?

I'm facing issues on my every drupal site when i test my website in Google page speed insight . I have configured Advagg module and followed but not succeed.Issues are below: Eliminate render-...
Sourabhutani's user avatar
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CSS not updating with aggregation turned off

I'm running into an issue that I'm not sure how to diagnose. I'm working on minor CSS updates on a custom zen theme for a Drupal 7 site. I have the dev site set up on a laptop running ubuntu dev ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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Advagg css files are refering old site address [closed]

i have developed site in one machine ( i moved all setup to another machine ( moving some problem is there.some css files like "css__48K1J5D3tG5zmBfajwIKY-...
udhaya kumar UK's user avatar