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Questions tagged [page-controller]

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Theme template not found in module controller

I'm very new to Drupal 10 and I'm having an issue with a custom module I'm trying to create. I have a controller that I'm querying nodes of an FAQ content type that I created. The defined route works ...
phpbutcher's user avatar
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Passing parametes to a twig template

I am creating a custom module to create a controller that runs every time we access a certain route. I have university entities created and a view to represent them in a list. When I click on one I ...
Óscar 's user avatar
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Limit Per User Tokens in Drupal Simple OAuth

I'm looking for a way to limit the maximum number of tokens granted to each user in Drupal 10, similar to how we can limit the number of sessions per user using the Drupal Session Limit module. Is ...
Tejas's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP constructor property promotion: how to call the parent constructor?

So I have a Controller that I am trying to rewrite to use PHP constructor property promotion: class MyUserController extends UserController { /** * Constructs MyUserController. * * @param \...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't pass variables from a controller to the template if I use base hook to override the theme template

I've created a custom route that uses a controller to use a custom template. If I don't mess with base hook my template is rendered somewhere inside page.html.twig as a block and all the variables are ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Why am I getting "Page not found" for a simple "hello world" custom page

In my custom module, ed_helper, I have this ed_helper.routing.yml: ed_helper.my_page: path: '/mypage/page' defaults: _controller: '\Drupal\ed_helper\Controller\EdHelperController::myPage' ...
arnoldbird's user avatar
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"No route found for GET" on custom REST resource when posting

I'm seeing really weird behavior. I've created a custom REST resource at the route /user/login-special. This is a passwordless login resource, so I pass the mail address and then get a response that ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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Stripe doesn't see API key after TrustedRedirectResponse

I have a controller that calls the Stripe API using stripe-php to create a checkout session. /** * Checkout using Stripe. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request * ...
mbomb007's user avatar
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How do I get my custom module controller logic to trigger on only certain url paths?

Hi all I am very new to Drupal and am trying to write a custom module. So my site has a bunch of different urls for example or I want my custom module code ...
Paige's user avatar
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How do I set/get cookies in a controller (custom module)? [duplicate]

I have a module and I need to set a simple cookie (if not exists). And after each request I need to read the value of the cookie and maybe update. I have read many articles and tried many ways but no ...
Eryk's user avatar
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How can I add inline JavaScript on a page returned from a custom controller (not with a library)?

How can I add another render element that contains my custom JavaScript code? Do I use ['#attached']['html_head'] or code similar to the following one? $build['body']['script'] = [ '#type' => '...
mevsme's user avatar
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"LogicException: The controller result claims to be providing relevant cache metadata, but leaked metadata was detected."

Hi I've created a module with a controller but now i'm getting this message; The controller result claims to be providing relevant cache metadata, but leaked metadata was detected. Please ensure you ...
skycomputer2's user avatar
2 votes
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Return AccessDenied for custom page

I've setup a custom page in my system which is expecting 2 parameters that will be used to generate part of the content on that page, I'm able to retrieve the information from my page, but I'm ...
Andrew Morris's user avatar
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Off-site payment gateway success/failure return is caught by a differnt custom module

I have created an offsite (redirect form) payment gateway Drupal 8 module for following drupal commerce documentation. Issue: My custom off-site payment gateway module based on form ...
Monsoonpk's user avatar
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Override a access check but also pass control back to the primary controller under certain conditions?

I use a contrib controller that has a _custom_access function that I need to override. I add a RouteSubscriber, and point the access check to my own controller. Now I want something like: if ($...
Letharion's user avatar
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How to Manage Webhook Notifications?

I had developed a controller to retrieve data from an API via a webhook. This is the type of data I received with for testing : { "owner": { "id": "...
Sébastien Gicquel's user avatar
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How to configure a custom POST api to accept a request with Content-Type as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in the header?

I created a controller in a custom module that accepts a POST request. I have a setup such that I get a POST request from a third-party application server to this API. But the POST request has a ...
Kiran Dhakal's user avatar
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How can i render a file using a formatter programmatically in a controller?

I'm trying to create a controller to render a swagger documentation using the module swagger_ui_formatter that provide a formatter to the file field that render swagger files (yml, yaml, json) using ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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Alter a controller's render array via KernelEvents::VIEW

I'm trying to alter a contrib module controller's output via KernelEvents::VIEW. I want to display the output from the controller and append the markup returned from the event handler. This is the ...
Nicholas's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I delete a file served by a custom controller after it has been downloaded?

Starting from How do I create a file download URL? I've build a custom controller that allows users to download a PDF file. my_module.routing.yml my_module.pdf_link: path: '/my-module/pdf/download' ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Adding select list to tableselect output

I'm trying to add a select-list to some table output but the markup is rendering as text. $header = [ 'col1' => t('COL1'), 'col2' => t('COL2'), ]; $rows = [ 1 => [ 'col1' => '...
sisko's user avatar
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How to force display of a specific page of paged data

I'm displaying a table of dated items ordered from old to new and am using the full pager. How can I force my page to initially display those items that are current ie. on initial load, display the ...
peterbe's user avatar
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Custom access method for a Page Manager page

I've created a page using Page Manager, at the route /project/(node}/attendance. I need to add a custom access check on it, comparing information about the current user with the node to see if they ...
dmgig's user avatar
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Keep entity object after getTitle() method in render() method in a custom controller

I've setup my controller like this: my_controller: path: '/controller/{id}' defaults: _controller: '\Drupal\Mymodule\Controller\MyController::Render' _title_callback: '\Drupal\Mymodule\...
Stef Van Looveren's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the controller class from a Request object or any other service class?

My controller class holds some not-so-easy logic to receive some data from a route parameter I need in a block plugin. As this block will only be rendered on this specific route, I would like to ...
Tobias Krause's user avatar
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Use one controller in custom Block and Page

I have a custom module with a page and block. Both will use same API but with different queries and also both will display API data in the same page. To be more explicit, I have a simple search on my ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Controller is loading twice after search form is submitted

I created a custom module that I consume an external api. I have also created a custom form (its action points to controller url) which filters the data. However, when I press the search button and ...
Dimitris Markopoulos's user avatar
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Access hook_preprocess_node variables from page controller

I have a custom controller created for a custom URL, where the URL is a URL for an existing node with an additional parameter. The display for the URL defined by the controller needs to use the the ...
wonder95's user avatar
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submitForm() isn't called

Goal: Have a custom page that shows various elements including links, logos, images and a custom form to help the users reset their passwords (we have a custom reset password interface which sends the ...
dylhof's user avatar
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How can I avoid to return HTML markup for access denied? [duplicate]

I've developed a custom controller that serves as a simple endpoint, POST method. This controller has custom access control. Custom access is done by looking for a header in the HTTP request, by ...
jackrabbithanna's user avatar
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1 answer

LogicException : The controller must return a response (success ! given) [duplicate]

i have a service that return for me true in the node (article) successfully create and false if something wrong , but in the controller i am getting this error 'LogicException : The controller must ...
David montera's user avatar
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How can I render more than one field value in the controller?

in my case i have a controller that it send for me the title , to the view , but i want to send the tittle and the body of the article both , i have tried to send them from the controller but it doesn'...
David montera's user avatar
1 vote
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Custom POST request [duplicate]

I am very new to Drupal. My project requires me to create a custom module. I am working with Headless Drupal and I want to make a POST request. I cannot pass the POSTMAN Body to my Request argument in ...
Suchismita Banerjee's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why do I get an error related to a controller when I created a custom module?

I created custom module following the Creating a custom module on Drupal tutorial. The teacher of this tutorial demonstrated how you can create a custom module that displays on the page Hello world. ...
nathan111777's user avatar
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What is the difference between access method in controller and custom access check

I am trying to create a module with custom access checks. I would like to know what additional features does implementing AccessInterface provide. For example I can check access within the ...
miststudent2011's user avatar
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Custom module with same twig template and two paths (e.g /pub and /pub/{id} )

I created a custom module to show nodes by taxonomy in a specific html twig. I created a controller that contain two functions. The first function called "content" pass an array to template twig ...
youssef hrizi's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating a route with a form and some content

i have created a route with a form: amu_404_redirect_import.admin: path: '/admin/config/amu_404_redirect_import/upload' defaults: _form: '\Drupal\amu_404_redirect_import\Form\...
Matoeil's user avatar
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Redirect from within controller always goes to home page

I have a custom module named rsc. My Default 404 (not found) page is set to /page-not-found in Basic site settings. My rsc.routing.yml file contains rsc.pageNotFound: path: '/page-not-found' ...
Marshall Morrise's user avatar
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Render a controller template from a custom module in a theme page

I have created a custom module whose routes are defined as follows. bigdeal_infos.infos_controller_infosScreen: path: '/bigdeal_infos/infos' defaults: _controller: '\Drupal\bigdeal_infos\...
Muhammad Tashfeen's user avatar
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Block not showing in controller generated tables Drupal 8

I have created a custom module that should show my custom block above the controller generated table. The block shows in other pages but not in the page where it is supposed to show. Found out that it ...
ylleigh12's user avatar
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How can I customize the header and footer from a custom page controller?

I have a module named some_module. This is my some_module.routing.yml: some_module.index: path: '/this/is/the/path' defaults: _title: 'Some Title' _controller: '\Drupal\some_module\...
aceraven777's user avatar
3 votes
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Using OAuth2 on non-REST endpoints

I have a custom module which includes a ControllerBase. The controller has a content() function that returns a JsonResponse(). The code for this function returns a complete list of a certain entity ...
saramm1's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to deal with Bubbleable Metadata when there's no rendering context and no render array

Since Drupal 8.0.0-beta12 "all rendering must happen in a render context", as stated by this change record. This is to avoid bubbleable metadata lost. So far, so good. Let's say I'm implementing a ...
sanzante's user avatar
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How to programmatically build a page and a form in the same page

What I'd like to do is build a page with two things: On one half of the page, custom markup with data from Drupal. On the other half, a custom form also submitted to Drupal. There are a lot of ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Format Json Responses as Camel Case

Currently our json responses are not formatted at all, we are using the JsonResponse class to return a status code with content: public function getMarkets() { $response = $this->...
The Pax Bisonica's user avatar
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Why isn't my controller returning AccessResult::forbidden()?

I'm working on a node access module. I've set up my logic. I can't seem to get my code to return AccessResult::forbidden(). I can't even get \dpm to run in access method. What am I doing wrong? Below ...
Kartagis's user avatar
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Is there a "best practice" for overriding a contributed module's controller?

I'm still relatively new to Drupal 8 and recently I came across an occasion to override the WebFormSubmissionListBuilder Controller. I eventually found another project which had exactly the same need ...
user5429087's user avatar
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Permission denied for a route implemented by a custom module [closed]

Hello I have the same problem with the following code: first_module.routing.yml: first_module.content: path: '/first' defaults: _controller: 'Drupal\first_module\Controller\FirstController::...
Emilio's user avatar
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Pass argument when overriding controller in RouteSubscriber

I am having the issue of overriding the default taxonomy controller /taxonomy/term/{tid}. I have created my own controller which takes {tid} as a parameter and I want to use it instead, so I overrode ...
JetSet's user avatar
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How can I use a controller to render a form in a template file?

I'm looking to add a form inside a custom template. opacsearchmodule.routing.yml opacsearchmodule.route1: path: '/form-test/object-builder' defaults: _form: '\Drupal\opacsearchmodule\Form\...
Duha Shawareb's user avatar