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Showing the Quiz Score for the current user of current quiz attempt?

I am trying to create a block using Views which shows the current users score for the current attempt of the quiz being completed by the user. The idea here the student can see their overall score ...
Website's user avatar
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Quiz results/score are over 100 points [closed]

I have a quiz with 5 questions of 10 points each one. When I score them, some exams save the result of the quiz with more than 100 points. As you can see, I have an exam with 112 but if I open: ...
Andres Rojano Ruiz's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does my Quiz rule stop working after adding an extra user profile condition?

I have a Drupal 7 site, that uses Rules and Quiz. I have a rule that adds a role after the user takes a specific quiz, which work fine. Here are the details of it: Event After updating existing ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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Assign user survey created by webform

I've created a survey using the webform module. I now want to assign a set of users to take the survey. Does anyone have any recommendation on how I should go about doing this.
Jorge Calderon's user avatar
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Can quiz creater assign quiz only to specific user

In the Drupal 7 Quiz module, can the quiz-creator assign a quiz only to specific user, say user #1?
Subhas Takhellambam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Retrieve the list of users who have not taken the quiz

$all_users =db_select('users', 'u') ->fields('u', array('uid')) ->execute() ->fetchAll(); $quiz_nid = db_select('quiz_node_properties ', 'qnp')->distinct() ->fields('qnp',...
neetu morwani's user avatar
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How to make relationships between users

I have the quiz module installed on my website. I have setup two user roles on my site, Student and Parents. I want to make a view that shows the results of a parents children. Now I have made two ...
mahdi alikhasi's user avatar
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How do I disable the Back button after logout? [duplicate]

I have created a quiz portal using Drupal. The issue is that, after logout, one can easily go back by pressing the browser's Back button. It is improper when someone takes a quiz and leaves the ...
Navin's user avatar
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How to theme "My Results" (quiz module) tab that´s inside the user´s profile?

I´m using quiz module in Drupal 7, and need to theme the output in "My Results" (wich is a tab in the user profile page). Here´s the module´s function : // THEME FUNCTIONS /** * Theme the ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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