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Facets refresh issues when used with View of search indexes

I have a view of Search indexes with context filters in my Drupal (9.4) site. I am using Facets (2.0.7) I have printed facet blocks in the View template files as below <div class="accordion ...
Binny's user avatar
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Getting the "Solarium @version is too old" error after upgrade

I recently updated a Drupal 9.3 site to Drupal 9.5 and most of the contributed modules were updated to the latest version that supports both 9 and 10 in view of an upcoming Drupal 10 upgrade. On the ...
Binny's user avatar
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How do I always show full search result pages in cases where some results are removed due to access restrictions?

I have a solr search index set up and a view to search content. We have "Region" groups for members so they only see content from their region. The search works great as admin who has access ...
James Prunty's user avatar
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How to have views exposed filter value show as different value in the url?

I have a search page with a Views exposed filter for the name of a taxonomy term. I have added an #autocomplete_route_name to the form element to make this an autocomplete selector for my term names. ...
liquidcms's user avatar
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What hides nodes from roles in search results using Solr?

We are hosted in pantheon and using Solr for search. At some point in the build process search stopped working for specific roles. As an admin I see all the nodes I would expect. however for some ...
BrandenB171's user avatar
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How to create a custom field/facet for Search API?

My Search API search page has a facet for Content Type, but I now want to add a custom entity in to the list of "content types" that users can filter on. I found some documentation on ...
liquidcms's user avatar
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Solr autocomplete does not work for Product Variations

I am trying to create a sitewide search using Solr. For this, I indexed Product Variations and Content entities as Rendered HTML Output. When I try to search for a content entity, the autocomplete ...
EvilArgest's user avatar
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Display only search box with live search and no content with results

I have configured search API with autocomplete, the search box is exposed in a views block. But the block displays the default 5 results below the search box even if the box is not used yet. I want ...
Tomáš Bažant's user avatar
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Edit index config (Search API) programmatically and get the status index updated

I have a site with 14 pieces of news and 44 basic pages. I have created an index (Search API) with this bundle: and this is the index status (the content is already indexed during cron): When I ...
rpayanm's user avatar
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Is it possible to use OR condition in search_api_index view for exposed filters like "Fulltext search" or "Combine fields filter"

I have created search_api_index view. And I want to add filter criteria like on screenshot. or I choose OR condition, but the AND condition still works. It seems that OR condition is not applied. Is ...
Alex's user avatar
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Facet blocks in a dialog don't retain applied facets

Cross posting an issue I posted from in the hope that it gets a bit more visibility here. I'm currently loading facet blocks via AJAX into an off canvas dialog provided by the core Dialog ...
Chapabu's user avatar
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Custom sorting using a MySQL statement instead of simple field

I'm using a view to list products from db index. I want to implement a custom sorting (my goal is to sort by current taxonomy term page, products having a specific node field field_MY_FIELD_NAME = ...
Boussetta moez's user avatar
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How to exclude a field from the SOLR search index for a specific content type

I would like to exclude all body fields from the search index for a specific content type. Reason: We have an Author content type with a bio in the Body field. However, for searches, we only want the ...
Dylan Spencer James's user avatar
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Search API Solr sorting with Entityqueue

i have a Drupal search api view with solr. I want to use entity queue for sorting the view and setting a specific order of nodes. However this does not work at all. I have added the relation with ...
Thomas Crawford's user avatar
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Facets not working with Algolia search

I am implementing Algolia search and using the following contributed modules Search API Algolia Facets After configuring the modules, the content/data indexing is working fine and is reflecting on ...
Mohit Wadhwa's user avatar
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Get Drupal core search results via jsonapi

I am using the jsonapi module to get node content for specific bundles for a mobile app and i am familiar with the filter, include and sorting concepts of the jsonapi. Now i want to get search results ...
makkus's user avatar
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Can't uninstall default search module because the Commerce Base module is required

I want to use Search API + Solr on my Drupal (& Drupal commerce) site. The tutorials recommend to uninstall the core Search module. However, I can't: the UI at page /admin/modules has Search ...
rs211's user avatar
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Rewrite url facet by taxonomy term machine name

I have a multi-facet search page, with those 2 facets : poste and type_de_contrat (= internship, open-ended contract...) It's working fine, but I'd like to rewrite the url, because it looks like this :...
lobafox's user avatar
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Show the count of the total results when searching with a search api solr view [closed]

I am working on a view which uses Search API Solr. When I search for an article, I want to see how many results Solr has found. How can I do this in Drupal 9?
user avatar
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Why are facets not displayed on pages?

I have two entities: Entity Product and Entity Product Category. Entity Product has an entity reference field on the Entity Product Category. Goal: Display categories and their number on the right by ...
nathan111777's user avatar
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Solr still showing indexed items after clearning

I have a solr install that is hooked up and running. After clearing the index I am still getting search results to show up and the solr server is saying that there are still 19363 items indexed when ...
GradoniusTheWise's user avatar
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Add a placeholder to search input text field [closed]

How can I add a placeholder for the input text of the search block (Search on my website)? I've looked around, but on Drupal 8 template.php has been deprecated and it's not an option. I also need to ...
Delphine's user avatar
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Search is very slow for certain roles

I'm a bit lost here. I have a strange problem and don't know where to begin. I use the core search function on a website I build. When I am logged in as administrator this search function is working ...
Joost's user avatar
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Add Relationship to Entity in a Content Datasource View?

Good afternoon, I have configured a (Search API) search index using an entity content type, but I don't need to index all the fields. Is there a way to add a relationship to the referenced entities in ...
uotonyh's user avatar
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How to place facet blocks

I got Search API and Facets configured, built a View Source, and connected the Facet to that source. Now I'm stuck with how to present that widget! With D7 Facets, it configured Blocks that I could ...
uotonyh's user avatar
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Sorting on a custom date field is slower than sorting on relevance: Is there a solution?

I'm using search api with database backend on a Drupal 9.3.3 site. I've indexed 26,000 nodes of a custom content type and these include a custom date field: field_display_date The index is set up to ...
aharown07's user avatar
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How to hide a facet item if it does not narrow the results?

I have a facet of taxonomy terms with the links widget. There are 3 taxonomy terms displaying with the number of results in the bracket. Term 1 (3) Term 2 (2) Term 3 (10) When I select Term 1, the ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Display Fulltext search query string on Search Results page

This is probably much simpler than I'm imagining. Client wants to display the user-entered search query string, with a label (like Search Query or You Searched For), at the top of the search results ...
hotwebmatter's user avatar
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Search API + Facets: Overwrite facet output and conditionally alter query condition based on active filter

I have a date field on hundreds of nodes indexed. I created a facet for the date field but it displays all dates available (ew). Instead, we'd like a filter for "Available Now" nodes and &...
drupalphil's user avatar
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Create solr_core for search_api_solr 4.x with docker solr 8

I used to create my solr instance for drupal like this: docker run -v $PWD/solrconf:/asdentcore -e SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms2G -Xmx2G" --restart unless-stopped -p 8984:8983 -t --name ...
Rainer Feike's user avatar
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Search API views is displaying empty pages

My search page is displaying results. The pager is displaying. But the first 15 pages display no results and then on the 16th page, I can see the content. I have deleted all the data from the index, ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Split taxonomy terms in two facet filters

English is not my first language, so please be patient. I'd like to ask for assistance to split my taxonomy terms in two facet filters. Context: Drupal Core v9.2.6 Acquia Search v3.0.5 Acquia ...
Elber CM's user avatar
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Search and pagination in media popup don't work properly [closed]

In the /admin/content/media page, I have more than one button for the pagination. The search is working properly. When I edit a media on some node, in the popup, I only have one button in the ...
mt.i.1's user avatar
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Adding a relative date range facet to a Search API view using the "last updated" field

I would like to add a facet to a search_api view filtering on the content "changed" field. I would like to use friendly naming like "This week", "This month" etc. There ...
lolcode's user avatar
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How to get all search results of search api index?

I want to get all the search results from the search API index and then perform a custom sort on it and then display them accordingly. I used the hook_search_api_results_alter and also the search ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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How to create a dblog record from a views exposed form submission

I am trying to create a log record of searches made though my Search API View exposed form block in Drupal 9. For some reason on a brand new search I get 2 duplicates (3 total entries), and it seems ...
tonytheferg's user avatar
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How to index only end dates in the aggregated field in the search api?

I have two date range fields on two different content types. I want to index only the end date of both of the date range fields. I can do it by simply clicking the plus icon on the field and add the ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Search api, postprocess processor: how re-run the query?

The documentation of the search api module says, about postprocess processor: Postprocess query This is probably the rarest phase for processors to use, postprocessing the query after it has run to ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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How do I set the default value for results?

I'm on Drupal 9 and I have an AJAX view with a page display and an exposed filter block and a single filter exposed, "Search: Fulltext search". The Search API module is configured to search ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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How do I render search block form in theme template?

I've customized the search block in "block--search-form-block.html.twig" and it works using block layout on Drupal 9. Is it possible to render the Search Block directly in page.html.twig? I'...
CocoSkin's user avatar
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