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Seach Page Split into Form Block & Results Block

I already created a search view like /search it is giving form and results finely but Views UI is disabled in my server . So i want to split this search page into 1) A block which contains a search ...
user3463733's user avatar
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Ajax loader when facet is selected

When we add a facet block to the page, a filter is selected and the page starts to load the results. However there is no loading icon or indicator the change is being applied. When we check the page,...
usernameabc's user avatar
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Having fatal error when rendering search block in page.html.twig [duplicate]

I'm using Bootstrap theme on Drupal 8. How can I print the default search block form in page.html.twig? Nov 22,17 @9am Update my question for @No Sssweat and @Ramdas Gaikar I have tired this before ...
CocoSkin's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I find the search block form ID?

I added some search block in my theme, and I placed each of them in a custom place. I want to edit each of theme by using function hook_form_FORM_ID_alter for this purpose. Provide a form-specific ...
Mojtaba Reyhani's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Theme search block [duplicate]

I want to theme the default search block to a bootstrap search bar. When I create the searchbar in html it looks like: <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class=...
JimmyD's user avatar
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Customize Search Form Block Text [duplicate]

I'm attempting to customize the search form block. I'd like to be able to change the search submit button, by either changing the text, or turning it into an icon and other various changes. I ...
Amy's user avatar
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Theming / modifying the markup of default search block form

I'm trying to modify the basic search block form that comes with Drupal 7 core. I have a custom theme and inside my templates folder I copied the search-block-form.tpl.php and modified it like so <...
suomiton's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Adding Search Block to Bootstrap 3 Navbar

The search block using the twitter bootstrap 3 theme doesn't show inline with the rest of the navbar. What is the trick to get this to show inline? I have tried to add it to the page.tpl.php without ...
jasonflaherty's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

No Search form for custom theme

I am creating my first theme. I don't see the "Search form" block under structure>block for my theme. It is present for other themes. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Should I put something ...
ryy's user avatar
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